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If I Were Told the Future - Test 16

The Giant with Feet of Clay

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 17. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 16

  1. The astrologers and magicians were greatly disturbed when King Nebuchadnezzar required them to do something that seemed impossible. What were they asked to do?
    Foretelling the king’s future.
    Interpreting the king’s dream.
    Telling the content of the king’s dream.
    Causing the king to have the same dream again.

  2. The book of Daniel tells us how King Nebuchadnezzar put his astrologers and magicians to the test: «You have prepared and words to speak before me, till the time be changed. Therefore tell me the , and I shall know that you can show me the thereof.»

  3. The prophet Daniel described the statue King Nebuchadnezzar had seen in his dream: «This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of , his belly and his thighs of , his legs of iron, his feet part of and part of

  4. Then, the prophet Daniel told the interpretation of the king’s dream, explaining that each part of the statue corresponds to an earthly kingdom. Which kingdom does the first part of the statue - the head of gold - represent?
    The Roman kingdom.
    The Greek kingdom.
    The Medo-Persian kingdom.
    The kingdom of Babylon.

  5. Which kingdom does the second part of the statue - the chest and arms of silver - represent?
    The Roman kingdom.
    The Greek kingdom.
    The Medo-Persian kingdom.
    The kingdom of Babylon.

  6. The prophet Daniel went on with a third kingdom, represented by the belly and thighs of bronze: «And another third kingdom of , which shall bear over all the earth.» Indeed, the Greek Empire, established by the powerful king Alexander the Great, covered far more vast territories than the previous two kingdoms.

  7. Which kingdom does the fourth part of the statue - the legs of iron - represent?
    The Roman kingdom.
    The Greek kingdom.
    The Medo-Persian kingdom.
    The kingdom of Babylon.

  8. The last part of the great statue - the feet - announces a divided kingdom, as described by the prophet Daniel: «Whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of : but they shall not one to another, even as iron is not with clay.» Many political and military leaders have indeed tried to place Europe under the authority of only one ruler, but they all failed.

  9. Finally, Daniel foretold how this succession of earthly kingdoms will come to an end: «And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be : and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and all these kingdoms, and it shall stand

  10. The prophet Daniel concluded the interpretation of the king’s dream with these words (check off all the right answers):
    «The dream is certain.»
    «The dream is sheer imagination.»
    «The interpretation is sure.»
    «The interpretation must be confirmed by an expert.»

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