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If I Were Told the Future - Lesson 20

Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies

Picture 1 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 1
Let’s pray together:
O Lord God,

Now that we have a better understanding of the prophetic book of Daniel, we humbly ask You to help us to grasp the rich parallels we can draw between the prophecies of this book.

In Jesus Christ our Savior we pray.

Next screen

Picture 2 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 2
Daniel 12:9,10 Comments
Go your way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly.

And none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
Sealed for centuries, the book of Daniel now reveals its secrets to us who live in «the time of the end».

We are invited not to imitate the wicked, who will not be able to understand the prophecy, but rather to be wise, to have the intelligence to seek the Scriptures.
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Picture 3 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 3
Daniel 8:1 Comments
In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared to me, even to me Daniel, after that which appeared to me at the first. A careful reading of the book of Daniel reveals that there are close links between the prophecies of this book.

Let’s try to find those links, those parallels between the prophecies we have studied in our last four lessons.
Daniel 10:14
Now I am come to make you understand what shall befall your people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.
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Picture 4 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 4
Parallel 1: The prophecies cover a long period of history.
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Picture 5 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 5
Parallel 2: The prophecies describe succeeding political powers.
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Picture 6 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 6
Parallel 3: Babylon, the first universal kingdom predicted by Daniel.
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Picture 7 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 7
Parallel 4: Medo-Persia, the second universal kingdom predicted.
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Picture 8 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 8
Parallel 5: Greece, the third universal kingdom predicted.
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Picture 9 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 9
Parallel 6: Dominion is associated with the kingdom of Greece.
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Picture 10 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 10
Parallel 7: After Alexander the Great, Greece is divided into four parts.
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Picture 11 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 11
Parallel 8: Rome, the fourth universal kingdom predicted by Daniel.
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Picture 12 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 12
Parallel 9: Rome is pictured as powerful and destructive.
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Picture 13 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 13
Parallel 10: Afterwards, 10 nations will come out of the Roman Empire.
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Picture 14 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 14
Parallel 11: After the Roman Empire, a mysterious power arises.
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Picture 15 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 15
Parallel 12: This power will destroy many to achieve its aims.
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Picture 16 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 16
Parallel 13: This power will glorify itself, and speak pompous words.
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Picture 17 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 17
Parallel 14: This power will persecute God’s people and overcome it.
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Picture 18 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 18
Parallel 15: This power will attack truth and darken it.
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Picture 19 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 19
Parallel 16: At the end, God will suddenly destroy this power.
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Picture 20 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 20
Parallel 17: Afterwards, God will establish His eternal kingdom.
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Picture 21 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 21
Parallel 18: The truthfulness of the prophecy is clearly asserted.
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Picture 22 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 22
Daniel 12:3,4 Comments
They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
We indeed live in the last days: the book of Daniel is therefore no longer sealed for those who take the time to study it.

Now it is up to us to share the treasures we find in it with the people around us.
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Picture 23 If I Were Told the Future Lesson 20
Parallels Between Daniel’s Prophecies
Screen 23
Let’s pray:
Our Father,

The study of some of the prophecies of the book of Daniel has been a rich source of blessings for each one of us.

May this study lead us to entrust our life to Your care, You who see the future as clearly as the past.

Please show us which choices we need to make today, so that our future may not hold for us bad surprises that would bring about ill-fated and eternal consequences.

We thank You for Your continuous presence. In Jesus Christ we pray.

Previous screen

Lesson 20 - Test The test of Lesson 20 is waiting for you!

Source of the Pictures of this Lesson
Screen 1: Picture collection «ClickArt 65,000» by Broderbund, CD #4, ANMIN010.JPG. Screen 2: CONVERSE, James. In: «God Cares, volume 1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.302. Screen 3: Picture by AYRES. In: «Premiers pas» (PADDOCK, Charles L.), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1964, p.151. Screen 4: Photo by BAKER, John. In: «Signs of the Times» magazine (July 1990), Pacific Press Publishing Association, p.23. Table of Screen 4: PROVONSHA, Clyde. In: «Daniel 10-12 / Palestine and Probation’s Close», G.C. Ministerial Association, 1976, p.1. Screen 5: RUDEEN, Herbert. In: «Uncle Arthur’s Bible Book» (MAXWELL, Arthur S.), p.273. Picture edited by Cyberspace Ministry. Used by permission. Copyright ©1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1968, 1996 by Review and Herald® Publishing Association, USA. All Rights Reserved. Table of Screen 5: Unknown source. Screen 6: ALLEN, J. Catling. «Lion on Babylon’s Processional Way.» In: «Bible Then & Now» (ROBERTS, Jenny), MacMillan, New York, 1996, p.24. Table of Screen 6: STEEL, John. In: «God Cares, volume 1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.106. Composite picture by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 7: Photo Giraudon, Paris. Louvre Museum. In: «Histoire Mondiale des Guerres», Librairie Plon, 1965, p.65. Table of Screen 7: First picture: STEEL, John. In: «God Cares, volume 1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.106. Second picture: BISHOP, Tom. «Lion and bear of Daniel 7». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #20. Third picture: BISHOP, Tom. «Ram and he-goat of Daniel 8». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #33. Composite picture by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 8: In: «Histoire du Monde: Volume 2 - La Grèce Antique» (STEFFENSEN, J.-L.), Les Éditions Maisonneuve, 1967, p.170,171. Table of Screen 8: First picture: STEEL, John. In: «God Cares, volume 1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.106. Second picture: BISHOP, Tom. «Leopard and fourth beast of Daniel 7». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #21. Third picture: BISHOP, Tom. «Ram and he-goat of Daniel 8». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #33. Composite picture by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 9: Alison Frantz, Princeton. Kerameikos Museum, Athens. In: «Art et Archéologie de la Grèce» (PEDLEY, John Griffiths), Prentice Hall, 1999, p.303. Table of Screen 9: STEEL, John. In: «God Cares, vol.1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.150. Screen 10: Photo Hirmer, Munich. Villa Giulia Museum, Rome. In: «Histoire Mondiale des Guerres», Librairie Plon, 1965, p.102,103. Table of Screen 10: BISHOP, Tom. «Leopard and fourth beast of Daniel 7». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #21. Screen 11: Photo Georges Goldner, Paris. Louvre Museum. In: «Histoire Mondiale des Guerres», Librairie Plon, 1965, p.180. Table of Screen 11: STEEL, John. In: «God Cares, volume 1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.106. Composite picture by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 12: Archivi Alinari, Florence/Art Resource, New York. «Arch of Titus», Rome. In: «L’Art Romain» (Nancy H. Ramage & Andrew Ramage), Prentice Hall, 1999, p.142. Table of Screen 12: In: «Battles of the World», Compton’s Home Library, 1996. Screen 13: In: «Histoire du Monde: Volume 6 - L’Occident au Moyen-Âge» (A. Bailey and S. Reit), Les Éditions Maisonneuve, 1967, p.497. Table of Screen 13: First picture: BISHOP, Tom. «Stone strikes feet of image». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #7. Second picture: STEEL, John. In: «God Cares, volume 1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.106. Composite picture by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 14: Unknown source. Table of Screen 14: BISHOP, Tom. «Identification of the little horn». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #22. Screen 15: In: «Awake» magazine (January 8, 1989), Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.1. Table of Screen 15: In: «Battles of the World», Compton’s Home Library, 1996. Screen 16: In: «Histoire du Monde: Volume 4 - Byzance et le Christianisme» (LINDQUIST, W.), Les Éditions Maisonneuve, 1967, p.334. Table of Screen 16: BISHOP, Tom. «Identification of the little horn». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #22. Screen 17: «The St. Bartholomew Massacre» In: «Histoire du Monde: Volume 8 - Réformes et Explorations» (STEFFENSEN, J.-L.), Les Éditions Maisonneuve, 1967, p.724. Table of Screen 17: In: «La Révélation - le grand dénouement est proche», New York, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1988, p.31. Screen 18: Unknown source. Table of Screen 18: «Solar eclipse». In: «Deluxe Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia CD - 1998 Edition», Compton’s Home Library, 1997. Screen 19: PROVONSHA, Clyde N. In: «Votre Bible et Vous» (MAXWELL, Arthur S.), p.333. Used by permission. Copyright ©1959, 1987 by Review and Herald® Publishing Association, USA. All Rights Reserved. Table of Screen 19: BISHOP, Tom. «Stone strikes feet of image». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #7. Screen 20: REMMEY, Paul. In: «The Bible Story, volume 9» (MAXWELL, Arthur S.), p.181. Picture edited by Cyberspace Ministry. Used by permission. Copyright ©1957, 1985 by Review and Herald® Publishing Association, USA. All Rights Reserved. Table of Screen 20: In: «Revelation Seminars», Seminars Unlimited, 1986, lesson #8 («L’étonnante cité spatiale de l’Apocalypse»), p.1. Screen 21: CONVERSE, James. In: «God Cares, volume 1» (MAXWELL, C.Mervyn), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1981, p.269. Table of Screen 21: JUSTINEN, Lars. In: «Questionnaire Adulte de l’Ecole du Sabbat», Pacific Press Publishing Association, First Quarter, 1999, front cover. Screen 22: COLLINS, Fred. In: «The Bible Story, volume 6» (MAXWELL, Arthur S.), p.72. Composite picture by Cyberspace Ministry. Used by permission. Copyright ©1955, 1983 by Review and Herald® Publishing Association, USA. All Rights Reserved. Screen 23: Picture collection «ClickArt 65,000» by Broderbund, CD #4, NATTR045.JPG.
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Lesson 20 - Test The test of Lesson 20 is waiting for you!