The book of Revelation contains seven letters addressed to seven different churches. The fourth one is the church of Thyatira. The origin of the name «Thyatira» is uncertain, but its derived meaning is:
«Savor of mercy».
«Savor of labor».
«Savor of faith».
«Savor of piety».
In the letter to the church of Thyatira, found in the book of Revelation , Jesus is portrayed as follows, «These things said the Son of God, who has His eyes like to a flame of fire.» The Word of God tells us that this description refers to Jesus’ work of...
... sacrifice.
... justification.
... intercession.
... judgment.
Besides their local application, the seven letters also have a prophetic application, describing the seven stages of the Christian Church history, from the days of John until the end of times. Which period is prophetically described by the letter to the church of Thyatira?
The Persecuted Church, from A.D. 100 to 313.
The Compromising Church, from A.D. 313 to 538.
The Corrupt Church, from A.D. 538 to 1517.
The Reformation Church, from A.D. 1517 to 1755.
In His letter to the church of Thyatira, Jesus mentions the positive points of this church: «I know your , and charity, and , and faith, and your patience, and your works; and the last to be than the first.» Indeed, during the prophetic period symbolized by the church of Thyatira, the Church accomplished a lot of good works, establishing hospitals, orphanages, schools and missions.
On the other hand, Jesus severely rebukes the church of Thyatira. This reproach is very similar to the one Jesus directed at the church of:
During the period prophesied by the church of Thyatira, the Church adopted many pagan rites and doctrines directly opposed to the Word of God. Among these pagan rites and doctrines, we find the following ones (check off all the right answers):
The worship of images and statues.
The rosary.
The hearing of confession.
The notion of purgatory.
After having exposed the generalized apostasy of the church of Thyatira, Jesus says, «And I gave her to repent of her , and she repented not.» Just as Jesus foretold, the Church was called to repentance by many Christians who were torn by its apostasy. But the Church preferred to turn a deaf ear. Even worse, it persecuted and killed many of them.
Jesus recognizes that a group of faithful believers did not follow the generalized apostasy prevailing during the period prophesied by the church of Thyatira: «But to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this , and which have not known the depths of , as they speak; I will put on you none other . But that which you have already hold fast till I .»
Among the following elements, please check off all those which Jesus promises to him who overcomes, in the letter to the church of Thyatira:
«Hidden manna.»
«Power over the nations.»
«The morning star.»
«Access to the tree of life.»
The letters to the seven churches also contain a personal message for each one of us. The advice and promises specifically addressed to the church of Thyatira can indeed be very useful to us, because:
our faith must remain undefiled, as we work for God in the world.
very difficult times will come before Jesus’ return.
the fire of our first love must be kept alive.
our faith can turn into cold formalism.