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If I Were Told the Future - Test 36

Great Signs in Heaven

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 37. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 36

  1. The terrible Lisbon earthquake, in 1755, awoke Christians to the fact that the return of Jesus was really imminent. This brought about a great spiritual awakening, from 1755 to 1844. While the sixth seal begins with this great earthquake, the sixth letter, also contained in the book of Revelation, presents this important spiritual awakening. The sixth letter was addressed to the church of...
    ... Smyrna.
    ... Sardis.
    ... Philadelphia.
    ... Laodicea.

  2. The sixth seal of Revelation then gives us an interesting astronomical calendar, identifying signs in heaven that will succeed one another until the return of Jesus. Among the following list, please check off all the heavenly signs we have studied in this lesson:
    The darkening of the sun.
    The sun dancing in the sky.
    The moon becoming as red as blood.
    A great star shower.

  3. The darkening of the sun is the first heavenly sign described in the sixth seal. As reported in History of Astronomy books, this phenomenon really happened: it was not an eclipse, and this fact still remains unexplained. This heavenly sign took place on:
    May 19, 1780.
    November 13, 1833.
    June 28, 1914.
    September 1, 1939.

  4. The night following this dark day, the clouds dispersed to unveil the second heavenly sign described in the sixth seal. This additional historical fact, which also remains unexplained, had been announced too by the prophet Joel: «The sun shall be turned into , and the moon into , before the great and terrible Day of the come.»

  5. The great star shower is the third heavenly sign described in the sixth seal. As reported in History of Astronomy books, this phenomenon really happened: it produced such a light that it was possible to read the newspaper in the street. Those who witnessed this fantastic phenomenon thought that the end of the world had come. This heavenly sign took place on:
    May 19, 1780.
    November 13, 1833.
    June 28, 1914.
    September 1, 1939.

  6. The last heavenly sign described in the sixth seal is: «The heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.» This amazing sign is also mentioned in the book of Isaiah, as a mark of the following event:
    The signing, by political leaders, of a worldwide peace treaty.
    The union of all religions through ecumenism.
    A worldwide nuclear war.
    A divine punishment falling on all nations.

  7. The sixth seal pictures many categories of people who are trying to hide in caves and in the rocks of the mountains, at the time of Jesus’ return. The book of Revelation mentions a few other times these same categories of people, describing them as... (check off all the right answers)
    ... those who have received the mark of the beast.
    ... those who can still choose to repent during the Millennium.
    ... those who will finally end up on the menu of the birds of prey.
    ... those who will suffer forever in hell.

  8. The sixth seal describes the terrible demonstration of God’s wrath. Before this striking scene, all the inhabitants of the earth who rejected God’s offer of salvation in Jesus Christ will cry:
    «Lord, have mercy on us!»
    «Such a wrath is unjustified!»
    «What a wonderful spectacle!»
    «Who shall be able to stand?»

  9. Yet, the despair of men, before the demonstration of God’s wrath, can be avoided. The book of Psalms clearly explains how to avoid God’s wrath: «If You, Lord, should mark , O Lord, who shall ? But there is with You, that You may be So whoever follows God with perseverance, after having accepted the sacrifice of Jesus for the forgiveness of his sins, will be able to stand at the day of God’s wrath.

  10. Finally, in the Gospel according to Luke, Jesus Himself makes a very good summary of the message of the sixth seal: «And there shall be in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. (...) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your draws near.» Here is a wonderful and encouraging promise!

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