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If I Were Told the Future - Test 51

The 1260 Days

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 52. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 51

  1. The prophetic period of the 1260 days is presented a few times in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation. Among the following prophetic periods, please indicate all those which describe the 1260 days (check off all the right answers):
    «A time and times and half a time.»
    «Seventy weeks.»
    «Forty-two months.»
    «Half an hour.»

  2. When did the prophetic period of the 1260 days begin?
    In A.D. 313.
    In A.D. 331.
    In A.D. 476.
    In A.D. 538.

  3. According to the book of Daniel, «there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots» before the power symbolized by the little horn, who then reigned during 1260 days. This prophecy was perfectly fulfilled. Among the following Barbarian nations, which one was not plucked up before the little horn?
    The Heruli.
    The Burgundians.
    The Ostrogoths.
    The Vandals.

  4. To give the Bishop of Rome full authority over the nations, Emperor Justinian of the Eastern Roman Empire launched a «holy» war against the opponents of the Church of Rome, entrusting his general Belisarius with the mission of attacking the Barbarian nations which still refused to submit. Which was the last Barbarian nation to be defeated, thus marking the beginning of the 1260-year reign of the papacy?
    The Heruli.
    The Burgundians.
    The Ostrogoths.
    The Vandals.

  5. The book of Daniel then announces that this 1260-year reign would be marked by severe persecution against the believers who refused to recognize the papacy’s authority: «The of the Most High shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.» The book of Revelation confirms this prophecy: «Power was given to him to continue forty and two months. (...) And it was given to him to make war with the , and to them.»

  6. During the prophetic period of the 1260 days, how many people were killed by the papacy, because they refused to recognize its authority?
    50,000 people.
    500,000 people.
    5 million people.
    50 million people.

  7. During the 1260-year reign of the papacy, as persecution was prevailing everywhere in Europe, many groups of Christians, refusing to recognize the authority of the apostate Church, took refuge in forests and mountains, to enjoy religious liberty and freely live their faith. Among these groups were (check off all the right answers):
    The Waldensians.
    The Huns.
    The Albigensians.
    The Hussites.

  8. When did the prophetic period of the 1260 days come to an end?
    In 1755.
    In 1798.
    In 1844.
    In 1914.

  9. Which event put an end to the prophetic period of the 1260 days?
    The great Lisbon earthquake.
    The darkening of the sun and the moon.
    The dismissal of the pope by France.
    The appearance of Bible societies.

  10. After having lost its political power at the end of the 1260 years, the papacy recovered it in 1929 when Mussolini, by the Lateran Treaty, restored temporal power to the pope, who was given rulership over Vatican. The book of Revelation had foretold this amazing return: «I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was . And all the after the beast.» Once again, the prophecy was very precisely fulfilled.

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