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If I Were Told the Future - Test 52

The 1290 Days

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 53. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 52

  1. In the book of Daniel chapter 12, the angel explained that the prophecy of the 1290 days couldn't be understood before «the time of the end», and that only «the wise shall understand». The Word of God reveals how we can get this understanding, telling us to... (check off all the right answers)
    «... fear the Lord.»
    «... keep the law of God.»
    «... depart from evil.»
    «... make theological studies.»

  2. When did the prophetic period of the 1290 days begin, as described in the book of Daniel chapter 12?
    In A.D. 313.
    In A.D. 331.
    In A.D. 476.
    In A.D. 538.

  3. According to the book of Daniel chapter 12, which event marks the beginning of the prophetic period of the 1290 days?
    The baptism of Jesus.
    The crucifixion of Jesus.
    The removal of the daily sacrifice.
    The cleansing of the sanctuary.

  4. According to the book of Daniel chapter 8, the little horn, symbolizing the Church of Rome, is the one who took away the daily sacrifice. How did it do that?
    By claiming to be the official representative of God on earth.
    By destroying the temple of Jerusalem.
    By presenting Jesus as the only Mediator between God and men.
    By putting an end to animal sacrifices.

  5. The arrival of the Church of Rome on the political scene laid the foundation for union between Church and State. Jesus knew the dangers of this union, such as intolerance and persecution which marked the 1260-year reign of the Church of Rome, and this is why He always commanded that Church and State be kept separate. In the Gospel according to Matthew, He declared, «Render therefore to the things which are ; and to the things that are

  6. In the book of Daniel chapter 12, the angel announces that the Church of Rome will have two reigns. The first reign lasted «a time, times, and a half», that is, years, and came to an end in the year . The second reign will come to an end «when he shall have accomplished to the power of the holy people». These words announce very difficult times for God's people in the last days.

  7. According to the book of Daniel chapter 12, which event marks the end of the prophetic period of the 1290 days?
    The crucifixion of Jesus.
    The removal of the daily sacrifice.
    The cleansing of the sanctuary.
    The abomination of desolation.

  8. What is the «abomination» mentioned in the prophecy of the 1290 days? The book of Revelation explains: «The of the earth have committed fornication [with the great whore], and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the of her fornication. (...) [She had] a golden cup in her hand full of The «abomination» is therefore the alliance between the apostate Church and the nations intoxicated with her wine.

  9. Some prophecies can only be fully understood at or near the time of their final fulfillment. It was the case during Jesus’ life here on earth, as the Gospel according to John shows us: «These things not His disciples at the first. But when Jesus was glorified, then they that these things were of Him.» So we must proceed with caution, humbly and prayerfully, when trying to understand unfulfilled prophecy.

  10. The book of Daniel chapter 12 gives us many reasons to believe that, as the return of Jesus draws near, the 1290 days enigma will be solved. Indeed, all the following statements can be found in Daniel chapter 12 (check off all the right answers):
    «The words are sealed till the time of the end.»
    «Knowledge shall be increased.»
    «None of the wicked shall understand.»
    «The wise shall understand.»

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