The book of Revelation announces that Satan would persecute the pure woman during 1260 years. Afterwards, he decides to «make war with the remnant of her seed». According to this same passage of Revelation, what are the characteristics of those who belong to the remnant of the pure woman’s seed? (Check off all the right answers.)
«They perform signs and miracles.»
«They keep the commandments of God.»
«They keep the traditions of men.»
«They have the testimony of Jesus Christ.»
The word «Church» comes from the Greek word «ekklesia», which means « ». The Acts of the Apostles confirms that there is indeed a Church which belongs to God: «The added to the church daily such as should be .»
Many passages in the Holy Scriptures confirm that the one and only leader of the Church, the head of the body, is...
... the apostle Peter.
... the Pope.
... the Virgin Mary.
... Jesus Christ.
In Bible’s prophetic language, what does the «remnant» necessarily mean?
A minority of people.
Very few people.
People who have achieved perfection.
People whom God has predestined for salvation.
Confronted with the majority rejecting God, «the remnant» has always found strength and comfort with God, in order to succeed in fulfilling its mission. The book of Isaiah gives the following promise to the remnant, «“Fear not, you Jacob, and you men of Israel; I will you,” said the Lord and your , the Holy One of Israel.»
Still in the book of Isaiah, God foretells what His Church, the remnant Church, will do in the last days: «They that shall be of you shall build the old waste places: you shall raise up the foundations of many .» This same passage then indicates what are the foundations that will be raised up by God’s people: «If you turn away your foot from the , from doing your pleasure on My holy , (...) I will cause you to ride on the high places of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father.»
Revelation chapter 14 presents the triple message the remnant Church must proclaim throughout the whole world. This triple message contains all the following elements, except one . Which one?
The coming of God’s judgment.
The fall of Babylon.
The need to unite all Churches.
The warning not to worship the beast.
The book of Revelation gives us seven clues to help us identify the remnant Church. Among these seven clues, we find (check off all the right answers):
It appeared after 1798.
It arose in America.
It is a worldwide movement.
It performs healings and miracles.
In every religion in the world, there are sincere believers who, when they discover the truth revealed in the Word of God, will join God’s remnant Church. This is what Jesus teaches us, in the Gospel according to John, by saying, «Other sheep I have, which are not of this : them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice. And there shall be one and one .»
Finally, in the book of Revelation, God gives the following call to each one of us, « the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (...) Come of her, My , that you be not partakers of her , and that you receive not of her plagues.» It is now up to us to respond to God’s solemn call.