The «King from the east» of Revelation calls to mind a king who reigned before the Christian era. Who is he?
Cyrus, king of Persia.
David, king of Israel.
Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.
By carefully studying the passage of Revelation which presents the «King from the east», we understand that this prophetic character represents...
... Moses.
... Elijah.
... Cyrus.
... Jesus Christ.
The answer to the previous question is partly confirmed by this prophecy found in the book of Revelation , «[The ten kings] shall make war with the , and the shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and of .»
The Gospel according to Matthew also confirms the identity of the King from the east, by reporting the Wise Men’s words, «Where is He that is born of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the , and are come to Him.»
When Jesus describes His return, in the Gospel according to Matthew, He likens it to the lightning that...
«... comes out of the south, and shines even to the north.»
«... comes out of the north, and shines even to the south.»
«... comes out of the east, and shines even to the west.»
«... comes out of the west, and shines even to the east.»
Many passages in the Old Testament say that the last plagues, the destruction of the nations, and the resurrection of the righteous, will take place with the coming of...
... the east hail.
... the east wind.
... the east tidal wave.
... the east rain.
In some passages pointing to this great advent coming from the east, the Word of God also uses, as a replacement for the word «east», the following expression:
«Rising of the sun.»
«Setting of the sun.»
The Word of God presents some places and buildings whose entrance is located eastward. Among these places and buildings, we find the following ones (check off all the right answers):
The Garden of Eden.
The Earthly Sanctuary.
The Tower of Babel.
The Heavenly Sanctuary.
When we parallel many passages in the book of Revelation, we understand why the prophecy does not present only one King from the east, but rather many kings. Who are these kings who will accompany Jesus, the King from the east, when He returns to gather His people?
The 144,000.
The angels of God.
The four beasts.
The 24 elders.
Finally, by placing the east in opposition to the west, the book of Psalms gives us this wonderful news, «For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His toward them that Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our from us.»