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If I Were Told the Future - Test 63

The Great Dragon and His Angels

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 64. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 63

  1. From the beginning, God had entrusted a cherub, a mighty angel, with great responsibilities. What was his name then?

  2. One day, this mighty angel, for an inexplicable reason, let pride seize him. A mad ambition then rushed to his mind. Which one?
    Creating his own world.
    Destroying the Earth.
    Being covered with precious stones.
    Taking the place of God.

  3. The Word of God teaches that after his rebellion, this mighty angel was called , a name which means «». He even succeeded in leading a part of the angels, that is, the of them, to rebel too against God.

  4. The book of Genesis reports that Satan used two lies to deceive the human race: «You shall not surely and «You shall be as

  5. The Bible designates Satan with all the following expressions, except one. Which one?
    «The great dragon.»
    «The god of this world.»
    «The old serpent.»
    «The king of Hell.»

  6. One of the most tragic consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin is described in the book of Genesis. Man lost then the right to «put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of , and eat, and live Sin, by staining man, made him unable to bear God’s glory, and therefore to survive in His presence.

  7. The book of Job reports the illness of Job, who was struck «with sore boils from the sole of his foot to his crown.» According to the book of Job, that illness was caused by...
    ... God.
    ... bad lifestyle choices.
    ... a polluted environment.
    ... Satan.

  8. Many passages of the Word of God clearly show what happens when we try to communicate with a dead person:
    We can get important answers to our questions from the deceased.
    We can express our love for the deceased.
    We can be comforted by the deceased.
    We can be deceived by Satan impersonating the deceased.

  9. Why didn’t God destroy Satan from the beginning of his rebellion, to prevent sin from invading the world?
    Because God wanted His creation to fully realize the gravity of sin.
    Because Satan cannot be destroyed, since he is an immortal angel.
    Because God doesn’t destroy anyone.
    In order that good and evil may balance each other in the Universe.

  10. According to the Word of God, what will be Satan’s ultimate fate?
    He will manage Hell, where the wicked suffer forever and ever.
    He will become Lucifer again, and will obey God throughout eternity.
    He will be annihilated forever.
    He will be banished forever on a distant planet.

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