In the book of Daniel chapters 7 and 8, we found 18 clues to identify the little horn. All the following elements are included in these 18 clues, except one . Which one?
The little horn speaks blasphemies against God.
The little horn subdues five of the ten Barbarian nations.
The little horn makes war against the saints.
The little horn reigns for 1260 years.
Only one power perfectly corresponds to the characteristics of the little horn, listed in Daniel chapters 7 and 8. This power is...
... king Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
... Roman emperor Nero.
... the communist nations.
... the Papacy (papal Rome).
It is important to note that God loves the individuals who are in the Papacy’s system. This is why He gave us His Word, to warn us and invite us to respond to the call Jesus gives us in the Gospel according to John : «Other sheep I have, which are not of this : them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice. And there shall be one and one .»
According to the book of Daniel, the power symbolized by the little horn «shall subdue three kings», to be able to reign freely during 1260 days. This prophecy was accurately fulfilled. The little horn destroyed all the following nations, except one . Which one is it?
The Vandals.
The Ostrogoths.
The Heruli.
The Burgundians.
The prophecies of Daniel announce that the Papacy would speak blasphemies against God. Now, the Gospel according to John and the Gospel according to Mark teach that blasphemy is not only taking the name of God in vain. Among the following elements, please check off everything that is blasphemy, according to the Word of God:
When a man makes himself God.
When a man holds political power.
When a man performs miracles.
When a man claims to have power to forgive sins.
The book of Daniel chapter 7 says, «The same horn made war with the , and prevailed against them. (...) [He] shall wear out the of the Most High.» Just as foretold, about million people, who refused to recognize its authority, were killed by the Papacy during its 1260-year reign.
The prophecy of Daniel chapter 7 also announced that the little horn «shall think to change times and laws». Just as foretold, the Papacy tried to change God’s law. Among the Ten Commandments, it specifically attacked...
... the first and the third commandments.
... the second and the fourth commandments.
... the third and the fifth commandments.
... the fourth and the seventh commandments.
According to Daniel chapter 8, the Papacy took away «the daily sacrifice» from the Prince of the host, and cast down «the place of the sanctuary». How did that happen? (Check off all the right answers.)
The Papacy claims to be God’s official representative on earth.
It presents Jesus as the only Mediator between God and men.
It teaches salvation by works, rather than by the grace of God.
It abolished the practice of animal sacrifices.
According to Daniel chapter 8, the little horn attacked all the following groups of people, except one . Which one?
«The mighty.»
«The widow and the fatherless.»
«The holy people.»
Indeed, Crusades against the Muslims, from the 11th century to the 13th century, and the Inquisition against the «heretics», are only a few examples of the Papacy’s «sinister schemes» (Daniel 8:23 [NKJV]).
Finally the prophecy of Daniel chapter 7, about the little horn, has an happy outcome: «And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the of the Most High, whose kingdom is an kingdom.»