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If I Were Told the Future - Test 67

The Beast Rising from the Earth

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 68. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 67

  1. The satanic trinity, found in the book of Revelation, is made up of all the following prophetic characters, except one. Which one?
    The great dragon.
    The rider on a black horse.
    The beast rising from the sea.
    The beast rising from the earth.

  2. The satanic trinity of Revelation is a counterfeit of the divine trinity. So, the beast rising from the sea, second element of the satanic trinity, is a counterfeit of Jesus Christ, second element of the divine trinity. Which features of the beast rising from the sea show that he is a counterfeit of Jesus Christ? (Check off all the right answers.)
    He receives authority from the dragon, and is the image of the dragon.
    His ministry here on earth lasted 42 (prophetic) months.
    He was mortally wounded, then was healed.
    He receives authority over all nations.

  3. The satanic trinity of Revelation is a counterfeit of the divine trinity. So, the beast rising from the earth, third element of the satanic trinity, is a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit, third element of the divine trinity. Which features of the beast rising from the earth show that he is a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit? (Check off all the right answers.)
    He leads men to worship the beast rising from the sea.
    He leads men to make an image to the beast rising from the sea.
    He makes fire come down from heaven on the earth.
    He puts a mark on those who follow the beast rising from the sea.

  4. In Revelation chapter 13, the apostle John wrote, «And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a , and he spoke as a When we study this prophecy, we discover that this beast symbolizes a major political power which came out of a sparsely-populated place at the end of the 18th century: the .

  5. Revelation 13 describes the beast rising from the earth with all the following features, except one. Which one?
    All the nations worship him.
    He performs great signs and wonders.
    He gives breath to the image of the beast.
    He affixes the mark of the beast.

  6. The beast rising from the earth «makes fire come down from heaven on the earth.» In addition to foretelling that the United States would become the first nuclear power of the world, the book of Revelation indicates here, by calling to mind the work of an Old Testament prophet, that this nation seems to have God’s approval. Who was that Old Testament prophet?

  7. With their political and military power, but also with their culture and symbols which conquered the globe, the United States of America truly sets the pace of the whole world. The book of Revelation chapter 13 had announced it: «[The beast coming up out of the earth] them that dwell on the by the means of those which he had power to do.»

  8. Revelation chapter 13 foretells that the United States of America will produce a system similar to the Papacy, that is, a system uniting Church and State. This union will create a religio-political power that prophecy calls:
    «the mark of the beast.»
    «the image of the beast.»
    «the deadly wound.»
    «the number of the beast.»

  9. By announcing the coming of the «image of the beast», Revelation chapter 13 calls to mind a story found in the book of Daniel chapter 3. Which similarities can we note between these two chapters of the Bible? (Check off all the right answers.)
    An image is erected, in full view of everybody.
    The image honors Babylon (literal or spiritual).
    People from all nations must worship the image.
    All those who don’t worship the image are killed.

  10. Just like Daniel’s three friends, our decision to follow God will soon plunge us into the fiery furnace of trial. But the First Epistle of Peter brings us comfort and courage: «Beloved, think it not concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you. But , inasmuch as you are partakers of ’s sufferings, that when His shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy.»

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