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If I Were Told the Future - Test 69

The False Prophet

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 70. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 69

  1. The book of Revelation chapter 16 reports the appearance of three unclean spirits, coming out of the mouth of all the following prophetic characters, except one. Which one?
    The dragon.
    The beast.
    The great harlot.
    The false prophet.

  2. The description of «the false prophet» in the book of Revelation perfectly corresponds to the description of:
    the great dragon.
    the great harlot.
    the beast rising from the sea.
    the beast rising from the earth.

  3. The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy announces that «in the latter times some shall depart from the , giving heed to spirits, and doctrines of We are today witnessing the fulfillment of this prophecy, through the revival of spiritualism and different occult sciences: astrology, fortunetelling, divination, clairvoyance, etc.

  4. According to the Word of God, the false prophet’s deceptions will not be aimed only at the non-believers. Some signs and wonders are especially designed for untaught and unstable Christians, so that they may also fall into the enemy’s traps. The book of Revelation chapter 13 specifies that one of the most devastating weapons of the false prophet will be a counterfeit of...
    ... the Pentecost and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    ... baptism by immersion.
    ... the Transfiguration.
    ... the heavenly signs announced by Jesus Himself.

  5. Furthermore, the false prophet will use a false and lying doctrine, inspired by Satan, to deceive a lot of Christians at the end of time. What is that lying doctrine?
    Immortality of the soul.
    Infallibility of the pope.
    Salvation by works.

  6. According to the First Epistle of Paul to Timothy, who has immortality? (Check off all the right answers.)
    All living beings, including the beasts.

  7. According to the Bible, what happens to the righteous, when they die?
    They ascend to heaven, and live in Paradise forever.
    Their soul remains on earth, to guide the living.
    They rest in the grave, completely unconscious.
    They are reincarnated in another body, destined for a happier life.

  8. Many passages in the Word of God clearly show what happens when we try to communicate with a dead person:
    We may get important answers to our questions from the deceased.
    We can express our love for the deceased.
    We may be comforted by the deceased.
    We may be deceived by Satan impersonating the deceased.

  9. In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus announces that one day, many will be surprised to learn that they are not allowed in the kingdom of God. They will then say to Him, trying to justify themselves, «Lord, Lord, ...»
    «... have we not done the will of Your Father in heaven?»
    «... have we not done many wonderful works in Your name?»
    «... have we not done many charitable works towards the poor?»
    «... have we not left everything to follow You?»

  10. Finally, the First Epistle of John gives us this precious piece of advice, «Beloved, believe not every , but try the whether they are of ; because many false are gone out into the world.» As we live in the last days, the false prophet, inspired by Satan, will try to deceive us by every possible means. May the Spirit of God and His inspired Word protect us from the wiles of the enemy.

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