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If I Were Told the Future - Test 82

The Malignant Sores

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 83. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 82

  1. Where is the first vial of Revelation poured out?
    In heaven.
    On the earth.
    On the sea.
    On the springs of water.

  2. When the first vial of Revelation is poured out, the following plague will strike impenitent men: «And there fell a noisome and sore on the men which had the mark of the , and on them which worshipped his

  3. The seven vials of Revelation are a succession of divine judgments falling on the same elements as...
    ... the seven trumpets.
    ... the seven seals.
    ... the letters to the seven churches.
    ... the seven spirits of God.

  4. According to the Word of God, the nature of the first vial of Revelation, that is, a malignant and painful sore, is a response to what follows (check off all the right answers):
    The numerous attacks of Satan against God’s faithful people.
    The selfishness and insensitivity of men.
    Men’s trust placed in Babylon and its apostate system.
    Men’s contempt for God’s commandments.

  5. The seven vials of Revelation call to mind the plagues which struck Egypt in the days of Moses. The book of Exodus reports, «Then they took ashes from the furnace and stood before Pharaoh, and Moses scattered them toward heaven. And they caused that break out in on and beast.»

  6. Still according to the book of Exodus, were Pharaoh’s magicians able to cure the Egyptians, struck with boils and sores?
    Yes, and it was very easy.
    No, but the magicians themselves managed to avoid this disease.
    No, and the magicians themselves were struck with this disease.

  7. In spite of the presence of spirits of devils which will perform great wonders, it won’t be possible to cure the malignant sore brought by the first vial of Revelation. In fact, this malignant sore is still present when...
    ... the third vial is poured out.
    ... the fourth vial is poured out.
    ... the fifth vial is poured out.
    ... the seventh vial is poured out.

  8. In the book of Deuteronomy, we can see that the curse of the malignant and incurable sore had already been called down by God, a long time ago: «It shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His and His which I command you today, (...) the Lord will strike you with the of Egypt, (...) from which you cannot be

  9. The First Book of Samuel reports that God struck the people of Ashdod with a disease which brought great destruction among them. What was the sin of the people of Ashdod, whose nature helps us to understand the reason for the malignant sore of Revelation?
    They placed the ark of the covenant in the house of their god, Dagon.
    They sacrificed their children to their god, Molech.
    They offered incense and perfumes to their goddess, Ashtoreth.
    They prepared a worship celebration for their god, Baal.

  10. How can we avoid being struck by the first vial of Revelation? In the book of Exodus, God tells us, «I will put none of these diseases on you, which I have brought on the Egyptians...». However, God specifies the following conditions (check off all the right answers):
    «... if you diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God.»
    «... if you do that which is right in His sight.»
    «... if you give ear to His commandments.»
    «... if you keep all His statutes.»

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