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If I Were Told the Future - Test 85

Men Scorched by the Sun

In order to check your understanding and your progress in the study of the Word of God, we invite you to fill out this short test and return it to us. The correct answers will be sent back to you as soon as possible.

A mark of 70% or better will allow you to submit the test of Lesson 86. Upon the completion of the entire Bible course If I Were Told the Future, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

If I Were Told the Future: Test for Lesson 85

  1. When the fourth vial of Revelation is poured out, the following plague will strike the world: «And the fourth angel poured out his vial on the ; and power was given to him to men with fire. And men were with great

  2. The seven vials of Revelation are a set of divine judgments striking the same targets as the seven trumpets of Revelation. However, the extent of the vials’ impact is far greater than that of the trumpets. Indeed, whereas the fourth vial strikes the entire sun, the fourth trumpet struck only...
    ... a third of the sun.
    ... a fourth of the sun.
    ... a fifth of the sun.
    ... a tenth of the sun.

  3. The fourth vial of Revelation will bring about drought and famine as never before. The book of the prophet Joel clearly illustrates this point, with the following descriptions which announce that «the Day of the Lord is at hand» (check off all the right answers):
    «The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate.»
    «The herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture.»
    «The flame has burned all the trees of the field.»
    «The rivers of waters are dried up.»

  4. When the fourth vial of Revelation is poured out, the wicked will finally understand that they are fighting against God. They will then show a new behavior, for the first time since the beginning of the plagues. According to the book of Revelation, what is that behavior?
    «They gave their power and authority to Babylon the Great.»
    «They fasted so as to get back into God’s favor.»
    «They repented of their sins, and gave glory to God.»
    «They blasphemed the name of God, which has power over these plagues.»

  5. The fourth vial will create a furnace which won’t purify stubborn rebellious men. The book of Jeremiah describes the situation as follows, «They are all grievous rebels, walking with slanders. They are brass and iron; they are all . The bellows are , the lead is consumed of the ; the founder melts in : for the wicked are not plucked away.»

  6. In Jesus’ interpretation of His parable of the sower, found in the Gospel according to Matthew, what does the sun symbolize?
    The final punishment of unrepentant men.
    The unconditional love of God for mankind.
    The fiery furnace of trial.
    Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness.

  7. The book of Ezekiel foretells that in the last days, God will put His mark on the foreheads of the faithful believers who firmly reject a very specific abomination, committed by people standing «at the door of the temple of the Lord». What is that abomination, which justifies the pouring out of the fourth vial of Revelation?
    Sacrificing children to Molech.
    Worshipping the sun.
    Stealing the offerings dedicated to the Lord.
    Bringing crippled and sick animals as an offering to the Lord.

  8. The pouring out of the fourth vial of Revelation targets a specific sin. What is that sin?
    Worshipping mammon.
    Calling up the dead.
    Observing a false Sabbath: Sunday.
    Issuing a death decree against God’s people.

  9. The Word of God often confirms that obedience to God’s commandments is incompatible with sun-worship, in all its forms. The Second Book of Chronicles reports what follows, «Asa did that which was and right in the eyes of Jehovah his God. (...) [He] commanded Judah to seek Jehovah, the God of their fathers, and to do the and the . Also he took away out of all the cities of Judah the high places and the -images.»

  10. According to the book of Revelation, what will happen to the sun, after the Last Judgment?
    It will be purified, and will give light to the New Jerusalem.
    It will become the lake of fire and brimstone.
    It won’t be changed at all.
    The glory of God will replace it as the source of light.

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