The seventh vial of Revelation is poured out «into the air». This indicates that this last judgment will strike not only impenitent men, but also...
... Babylon.
... the false prophet.
... Satan.
... the people of God.
When the seventh vial of Revelation is poured out, Jesus will solemnly utter the words «It is done!». Now, Jesus already pronounced or will pronounce similar words, at the time of the following events (check off all the right answers):
When He was transfigured on a high mountain.
When He completed on the cross His work of salvation.
When He began His intercession ministry in the heavenly sanctuary.
When the New Jerusalem is presented.
The seventh vial of Revelation will bring about an extraordinary bursting out of the forces of nature, which will fill unrepentant men with indescribable fear. These calamities will include (check off all the right answers):
«Voices, and thunders, and lightning.»
«Great hail.»
«A great earthquake, such as was not since men were on the earth.»
«Every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.»
When the seventh vial of Revelation is poured out, great hail will fall upon men, «every stone about the weight of a talent». According to our units of weight, a talent corresponds to...
... about 11 pounds (5 kilograms).
... about 22 pounds (10 kilograms).
... about 65 pounds (30 kilograms).
... about 130 pounds (60 kilograms).
The terrible scene taking place at the end of the world is described in all the following passages of Revelation, except one . Which one?
The letter to the seventh church.
The sixth seal.
The seventh trumpet.
The seventh vial.
The correspondence between the seven trumpets and the seven vials of Revelation is still present. In this case, the parallel is even perfect. Indeed, since these two prophetic series are coming to an end, the seventh trumpet and vial both describe exactly the same event. This event is:
the signing, by political leaders, of a worldwide peace treaty.
the union of all religions through ecumenism.
a worldwide nuclear war.
the glorious return of Jesus Christ.
At the pouring out of the seventh vial, Revelation says that «the great city was divided into three parts». What does that mean? The book of Revelation itself, a little farther, gives this explanation:
It will be just a small earthquake.
When He returns, Jesus will break the satanic trinity.
Babylon will be temporarily weakened, and will then return in force.
At that time, the third of those supporting Babylon will repent.
The seventh vial of Revelation will be devastating for the unrepentant nations. The book of Isaiah clearly illustrates this point: «For the of the Lord is on all nations, and His on all their armies: He has utterly them, He has delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcasses, and the mountains shall be melted with their . And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll.»
Describing the same scene as the seventh vial of Revelation, many passages in the Old Testament explain that even before the glory of God annihilates unrepentant men, a lot of them will already be dead. What will be the cause of their death?
«Struck with a malignant sore.»
«Victims of the plague.»
«Every one by the sword of his brother.»
«Buried beneath the mountains.»
Finally, still describing the scene of the seventh vial of Revelation, the book of Isaiah gives us good news: «My people shall dwell in a habitation, and in dwellings, and in resting places, when it shall , coming down on the forest; and the city shall be low in a low place.»