Bible prophecy often uses the symbol of a woman. Among the following statements, please check off all those that are correct:
In the Old Testament, a woman symbolizes the people of Israel.
In the New Testament, a woman symbolizes the Church.
When people are faithful to God, the symbol is a pure woman.
When people turn away from God, the symbol is an impure woman.
The book of Revelation presents two different cities to symbolize two distinct Churches. First, we see the apostate Church, which is represented by a city whose inhabitants have turned against God. The name of this first city is: . On the other hand, we see the pure Church, which is represented by a city whose inhabitants have remained faithful to God. The name of that second city is: .
Many passages of the Scriptures say that God is «a jealous God». Among the following elements, please check off all those which properly describe the nature of God’s jealousy.
It is a feeling nourished by distrust, by the fear of being deceived.
It is the expression of exclusiveness, for God is the only Source of life.
It is a feeling nourished by a desire of possession and control.
It is a demonstration of God’s burning love for His people.
The book of Deuteronomy explains the reasons why Israel is accused of being adulterous, unfaithful to God. Among these reasons, we find the following ones (check off all the right answers):
«Israel forsook God which made her.»
«Israel lightly esteemed the Rock of her salvation.»
«Israel provoked God to jealousy with strange gods.»
«Israel observed all the commandments of God.»
The First Book of Chronicles reveals other causes of unfaithfulness towards God: «So Saul for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord, because he did not keep the of the Lord, and also because he consulted a for guidance.» Still today, that practice is very widespread, and will unfortunately bring about the ruin of a lot of people.
The apostle Paul, in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, resolutely asks the following questions, to illustrate that God, as the Bridegroom, requires the exclusiveness and faithfulness of His Church (check off all the right answers):
«What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?»
«What communion has light with darkness?»
«What concord has Christ with Belial?»
«What part has he that believes with an infidel?»
In the book of the prophet Jeremiah, God tells unfaithful Israel what she must do, in order to be forgiven:
«Go and perform many good and charitable works.»
«Acknowledge that you have transgressed against the Lord.»
«Consent to painful and costly sacrifices.»
«Repeat many times long prayers.»
According to the book of Ezekiel, God makes sure of properly preparing His bride for the marriage of the Lamb. To do so, He tells the bride that He did all the following things for her (check off all the right answers):
«I spread My skirt over you,» symbolizing Jesus’ righteousness.
«I washed you with water,» symbolizing the cleansing of our sins.
«I anointed you with oil,» symbolizing the gift of the Holy Spirit.
«I girded you about with fine linen,» symbolizing the bride’s good works.
The book of Revelation chapter 19 announces the coming of the marriage of the Lamb, and then adds this important message:
«Blessed is His wife.»
«Happy is His wife.»
«Long live His wife.»
«His wife has made herself ready.»
Finally, the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians gives us this precious piece of advice, «Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; that He might and it with the washing of water by the word, that He might present it to Himself a Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.» So we must let God prepare our hearts, so that we may be ready for the marriage of the Lamb.