According to the book of Revelation, what is the first step leading to the marriage of the Lamb?
The great wedding.
The preparation of the bride.
The return of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
The marriage supper of the Lamb.
In order that the Church (the bride) may be pure, each one of its members must follow Jesus’ advice to the church of Laodicea, found in the book of Revelation. In this letter to the last days Church, Jesus counsels to get the following things, so that we be ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb (check off all the right answers):
The white raiment, which symbolizes Christ’s righteousness.
Gold, which symbolizes faith tested by the fire of trial.
Silver, which symbolizes the riches of this world.
Eye salve, which symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
In the parable of the wedding feast, reported in the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus tells that one of the guests was cast out of the wedding hall, «into outer darkness». According to this parable, why was that guest taken away and cast out of the wedding hall?
«He had not on a wedding garment.»
«He came without an invitation to the wedding.»
«He was not rich enough.»
«He had not performed enough good works.»
In the book of Revelation, Jesus explains how the bride will be purified: «He that , the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not his name out of the Book of Life, but I will his name before My Father, and before His angels.» So, before His return, Jesus will remove from the Book of Life all the names of the believers whose conversion is not sincere and genuine.
By comparing many passages in the Scriptures, we understand that the marriage vows, between the Lamb and His bride, take place...
... in 1844.
... at Jesus’ return.
... at the beginning of the judgment.
... at the close of probation.
The book of Revelation indicates that a solemn proclamation is made at the marriage of the Lamb, when the marriage vows are expressed. At that moment, Jesus is proclaimed...
... «Judge».
... «Redeemer».
... «King of kings».
... «High Priest».
While the marriage supper of the Lamb begins in heaven, the book of Revelation indicates that another feast takes place on earth: «the supper of the great God». Who is taking part in this supper?
The angels of Satan.
The people of God.
The vultures.
The rebellious nations.
The believer whose conversion is true and sincere won’t remain idle. Out of love for his Savior, and through the power of the Holy Spirit working within him, he will be compelled to perform good works. In the book of Revelation, these good works are symbolized by the bride’s garment, that is:
«fine linen».
«the white robe».
«the crown of life».
«the wedding garment».
In Revelation chapter 17, those who will take part in the marriage supper of the Lamb are «called, and chosen, and faithful». According to the Word of God, what is the exact meaning of being «called, and chosen, and faithful» ? (Check off all the right answers.)
The «called» are all the inhabitants of the earth.
The «chosen» are those whom God chose for salvation.
The «chosen» are those who accept Jesus’ robe of righteousness.
The «faithful» are those who persevere in their relation with Jesus.
Finally, in the Gospel according to Luke, Jesus gives us this precious piece of advice, «Let your loins be girded about, and your lights ; and you yourselves like to men that wait for their Lord, when He will return from the , that when He comes and knocks, they may open to Him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when He comes shall find .» Conscientious work in God’s harvest, in order to win souls to His cause, according to the talents and gifts the Holy Spirit gave us, is the best way to keep our faithfulness and watchfulness alive.