The message of the first angel, found in the book of Revelation, invites men to do all the following things, except one . Which one?
To fear God.
To give glory to God.
To take part in God’s judgment.
To worship God as the Creator.
The message of the first angel of Revelation chapter 14 says, «Fear God.» This fear is not synonymous with anguish, distress and dread. It is rather the expression of deep respect towards the Almighty God. The book of Psalms gives us one reason why we must fear God: «If You, Lord, should mark , O Lord, who shall ? But there is with You, that You may be .»
The message of the first angel of Revelation chapter 14 says, «Fear God.» Now, many passages of the Scriptures clearly state that the main way to express our respectful fear towards God is...
... to keep God’s Ten Commandments.
... to replace God’s Ten Commandments with men’s tradition.
... to teach that God’s Ten Commandments are only for the Jews.
... to teach that God’s Ten Commandments have been abolished.
The message of the first angel of Revelation chapter 14 also says, «Give glory to God.» Now, many passages of the Bible confirm that the combination of «fearing God and giving Him glory» indicates...
... the imminence of a nuclear war that will destroy the earth.
... the imminent signing of a peace treaty by all political leaders.
... the union of all religions on earth, in order to better serve God.
... the imminent instauration of God’s eternal kingdom.
The message of the first angel of Revelation chapter 14 says, «Give glory to God.» The Word of God teaches us many ways to give glory to God, among which we find the following ones (check off all the right answers):
Fulfilling the work that God has given us to do.
Working conscientiously in God’s harvest.
Doing the minimum for God, while trying to be approved by Him.
Watching over the quality of our deeds, words, and thoughts.
Why must we fear God and give Him glory? The first angel of Revelation 14 answers, «For the hour of His is .» Indeed, the case of each believer is at present being judged in the heavenly sanctuary, in order to determine the genuineness of each conversion.
God’s judgment, which has come in Revelation chapter 14, is afterwards «made manifest» in Revelation chapter 15. According to chapter 15, how will God’s judgment be manifested?
By the forgiveness of all rebellious men, because God is love.
By a second chance given to all rebellious men to repent.
By the everlasting suffering of all rebellious men in hell.
By the coming of the seven plagues of God’s wrath.
Finally, the message of the first angel of Revelation 14 invites us to worship the Creator God. Preached since 1844, this message came at just the right time, since in 1859, the following event took place:
A civil war in the United States of America.
The birth of evolutionism.
A worldwide influenza epidemic.
A great meteorite shower.
The wording of the first angel’s message clearly refers to one of the Ten Commandments. Moreover, this commandment is very closely linked to recognizing God as our Creator, and giving glory to Him. Which commandment is it?
The first commandment.
The second commandment.
The fourth commandment.
The seventh commandment.
How can we apply the message of the first angel of Revelation 14 in our lives? The Bible answers: By finding «the knowledge of God». And the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians explains the usefulness of this knowledge: «And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in and in all judgment; that you may approve things that are excellent; that you may be and without offense till the Day of , being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the and praise of God.»