The book of Revelation chapter 14 presents the triple message the remnant Church must proclaim to the whole world. This triple message aims at all the following, except :
announcing the judgment, calling everyone to worship the Creator.
announcing the fall of Babylon, a religio-political apostate system.
reminding everyone of the need to unite all the Churches on earth.
warning everyone not to worship the beast, nor to receive its mark.
The end of the three angels’ message, in Revelation 14, describes the three characteristics of those who will proclaim God’s final message to the whole world, before Jesus’ return: «Here is the of the saints: here are they that keep the of God, and the of Jesus.»
The first characteristic of those who will proclaim God’s final message to the whole world is «the faith of Jesus». The Epistle to the Hebrews gives us a definition of faith, including the following elements: «Now faith is...» (check off all the right answers):
«... the substance of things we get here on earth.»
«... the substance of things hoped for.»
«... the evidence of God’s power through miracles.»
«... the evidence of things not seen.»
We really need «the faith of Jesus», that is, the faith demonstrated by Jesus during His ministry here on earth. To illustrate the nature of this faith, the Gospel according to John reports these words from Jesus Himself, «For I came down from heaven, not to do My own , but the of Him that sent Me.» The faith of Jesus enabled Him to trust His Father entirely and to fulfill His will in all things. This is the faith the 144,000 have.
Many times in his epistles, the apostle Paul explains the precise role of good works in the life of the believer. What is that role?
Good works demonstrate the good health of our faith.
Good works help us to earn our salvation.
Good works make us appear righteous before God.
Good works erase our sins and purify us.
The second characteristic of those who will proclaim God’s final message to the whole world is that they «keep the commandments of God». To illustrate the precise role of law and faith in the life of the believer, the apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, asks the following question, «Do we then make void the law through faith?» And how does he answer his own question?
«Yes, for Christ has abolished the law.»
«Yes, for faith is greater than the law.»
«Yes, because the law has been given only to the Jews.»
«Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.»
The first four Commandments summarize our duty towards God, and the last six, our duty towards our neighbor. The First Epistle of John summarizes this point, by saying that «this is the love of God, that we...»
«... teach that His commandments have been abolished.»
«... may replace His commandments by the tradition of men.»
«... teach that His commandments are for the Jews only.»
«... keep His commandments.»
Satan will harshly attack the faithful believers during the last days. To pass through this great trial, they will need the third characteristic of the 144,000, that is, «the patience of the saints». In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus emphasizes the importance of this third element: «But he that shall to the end, the same shall be . And this gospel of the kingdom shall be in all the world for a witness to all nations. And then shall the come.»
According to the Bible, the three characteristics of those who will proclaim God’s final message to the whole world are closely linked with an event which is very important for the fulfillment of this last mission here on earth. What is that important event?
The time of Jacob’s trouble.
The pouring out of the Holy Spirit, at the latter rain.
The close of probation.
The secret rapture of the Christians, before the tribulations.
Finally, according to all the Bible verses we have studied during our lesson, please indicate which statement, among the following ones, is false :
There are only two groups: for God, and against God.
Whoever is not with Christ is therefore against Christ.
We can remain neutral, neither for God nor against God.
If we don’t gather with Jesus, then we scatter abroad.