Here are some of the comments we have received so far concerning our Bible course If I Were Told the Future.
To send us your own comments, please visit the section Contact Us. Thanks a lot!
«The course If I Were Told the Future was very comprehensive. I needed a more intense, advanced study because I’ve been a Christian for quite a number of years now. These lessons provided me with the meat I needed to grow more in knowledge of the prophecies especially relating to the last days. I am very appreciative of the wealth of information these lessons have provided.»
Barbara J. (Vermont, USA)
«I have been greatly blessed using the series of If I Were Told the Future lessons. I’ve really enjoyed the illustrations used in this series. Thank you so much.»
Justin W. (United Kingdom)
«I would first like to congratulate you on a job well done with your bible lessons that can be done online as well as those that can be downloaded. We are interested in becoming a partner with you, and would like to ask you if we can get personalized copies of The Moment of Truth and If I Were Told the Future.»
Richard N. (California, USA)
«I have just completed the online course If I Were Told the Future. What can I say? Fantastic, brilliant. It has been a real bonus in helping me to understand the book of Revelation. Thank you so much for this site which I have recommended to several people both within and outside my church. Keep up the great work as time is short.»
Kevin C. (Australia)
«As I was completing the 44th lesson of If I Were Told the Future, I was wondering where this teaching comes from? I was fasting and praying, asking the Lord to help me with wisdom and understanding of the Revelation and Daniel. When I was looking for information on the Latter Rain, I found your Web site and have been ever so blessed. I have since looked at a few other teachings and put theirs down to continue with yours. Thanks!»
Robert K. (Wyoming, USA)
«Thank you for If I Were Told the Future. Thank you for providing such a wonderful course. Though many of the verses are very familiar to me from my childhood, I often see them more clearly through your lessons. God bless you and keep you.»
Jana L. (Florida, USA)
«I really have to admit that your course If I Were Told the Future is the best I could find on the Internet! I’m really amazed about the wisdom you discovered in the prophecies of the Bible and looking forward to learn more in the lessons of If I Were Told the Future.»
Stephan K. (Paraguay)
«I have found your course If I Were Told the Future by accident and I’m glad I did. You have the best, best, online Bible study I have ever seen! I am going to pass this site on to my church family, neighbors, school classmates, everyone I can tell I will. God truly blessed you with this wonderful material. The colorful lessons are awesome. Going over these lessons over again to reinforce the truth in my mind helps me a lot. Praise God!»
Shavonte C. (Virginia, USA)
«Thank you for the Bible course If I Were Told the Future. I have enjoyed this material. The depth to which I have studied was quite enlightening.»
Sylbert B. (United Kingdom)
«Thanks very much for the If I Were Told the Future course which has been instrumental in helping me understand the Bible better. I have now completed it and sent in all the tests. I especially enjoyed where you compared prophecies from different books. You have done such a superb comparison of chapters in the book of Revelation, one with another. Many, many thanks and much appreciation!»
Sapphire M. (Texas, USA)
«I want to thank you for the good work you are doing. If I Were Told the Future has been such a great versatile tool in my teaching. I now have seven prophetic students and every time after our session I go to sleep with untold joy after sharing this message. Your attention to detail is recommendable, you just can’t be more reliable than this! May God abundantly bless you.»
Richard O. (Kenya)
«We thank you for your course If I Were Told the Future. It has helped us understand the prophetic Word so much.»
Carol C. (New York, USA)
«I’ve enjoyed browsing through several of the Bible prophecy lessons from your course If I Were Told the Future. Good work in bringing together Bible truth. What I have had the time to study so far has been a real blessing.»
Dave G. (Colorado, USA)
«I never did the complete series If I Were Told the Future before this year. I never saw the need. I have taught Bible prophecy in my church and a group of us study extensively from the Bible. I now realize what I have been missing. The material is exhaustive. I thought that I normally taught stuff to exhaustion. But you all have taken the cake, so to speak. That’s great!»
Vaughn S. (Trinidad and Tobago)
«I am enjoying the lessons from If I Were Told the Future as I keep learning more and more. It is wonderful to be learning on different levels of the meanings of God’s Word.»
Sharon H. (Florida, USA)
«I am filled with admiration for the work you do through the Bible lessons on the Internet and the Bible software. Your objective is really divine. I join you in making your Bible courses The Moment of Truth and If I Were Told the Future known to others, to all my friends.»
Romeo T. (French Polynesia)
«This is the third time that I am addressing you to congratulate you for your fantastic ministry. I have concluded your two online courses The Moment of Truth and If I Were Told the Future. Now I am two thirds of the course The Last Countdown. I know that God has installed your ministry for these last days, therefore I cannot stop thanking Him for you.»
Osmond B. (New York, USA)
«I want to congratulate you on your Bible courses The Moment of Truth and If I Were Told the Future. They are very clear and well illustrated. It is with great pleasure that I share them with the people around me.»
Arthur D. (France)
«I really like your course If I Were Told the Future. The lessons really hit the nail on the head. And graphics are great!»
Bob S. (Idaho, USA)
«Although I’ve attended many prophecy seminars until taking your study, I’ve not seen very many as comprehensive as this course If I Were Told the Future. I think this lesson would make a very good evangelism tool, if it were made known to others. I would like to see this study made available to all the churches in the Philadelphia area. May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.»
Gregory C. (Pennsylvania, USA)