The book of Exodus presents the institution of the Passover. On that occasion, the people of Israel were spared the death of all their firstborn, by demonstrating their faith in God through a concrete deed: killing a and putting its on the and lintel of their houses.
One of the titles given to Jesus demonstrates that the main purpose of the Passover was to announce and symbolize the supreme deliverance accomplished by Jesus on the cross, saving believers from their sins. What is this title?
«The Scapegoat.»
«The Son of David.»
«The Lamb of God.»
«The Good Shepherd.»
Jesus’ death on the cross fulfilled all the conditions of the Passover, including a particular detail, mentioned in the book of Numbers. What is it?
«His price shall be thirty pieces of silver.»
«A bone of Him shall not be broken.»
«His side shall be pierced with a spear.»
«His body shall not see corruption.»
In the Gospel according to John, Jesus explained the meaning of the bread, which is one of the two emblems used during the Lord’s Supper: «I am the bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live ; and the bread that I will give is My , which I will give for the life of the world.»
Jesus gave precise instructions regarding the wine, which is the second emblem used during the Lord’s Supper. He clearly indicated that this wine, symbolizing His blood shed for us, must be drunk:
by the Church’s head minister only.
by the minister and his assistants only.
only by the long-standing believers.
by all those taking part in the Communion.
Observing that the Jews were interpreting literally His words concerning His flesh and blood given as food, Jesus made this correction, reported in the Gospel according to John : «The words that I speak to you, they are , and they are .» Thus, the bread and wine are not literally the body and blood of Christ, but rather a of His body and blood.
The doctrines of transubstantiation and consubstantiation imply that, at each Communion service, the body and blood of Jesus are offered in sacrifice again and again. The Epistle to the Hebrews plainly states that:
this sacrifice must be repeated often, so that we should not forget it.
this sacrifice must not be repeated, having been offered once for all.
the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ.
the body and blood of Jesus are added to the bread and wine.
The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians teaches us how we must celebrate the Lord’s Supper: «But let a man himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks to himself, not the Lord’s body.»
Jesus instituted a service to be held before the Lord’s Supper, in order to prepare His disciples to take part in the Communion. Then, He commanded us to observe this same service. What is it?
Foot washing.
Laying on of hands.
Hearing of confession.
Every time we take part in the Lord’s Supper, we anticipate the day when, in the kingdom of God, we sit at the same table as Jesus. In the book of Revelation, a blessing is given on that subject: «Blessed are they which are called to the supper of the !»