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Our «Thank You» gift, the book Steps to Christ Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this book. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better. You’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus. |
And now, you can choose one of the following titles from the category «Bible Teachings»:
The Abomination of Desolation In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus announces the «abomination of desolation». He identifies it as a specific sign that the end is near. What is this prophecy all about? How does it affect Christians in today’s world? This book illuminates one of the most obscure Bible prophecies. [More details...] |
Absent from the Body What does the apostle Paul mean by being «absent from the body»? Does it mean that an immortal soul leaves the body to face an immediate reward or punishment? This book provides persuasive evidence that people do not go directly to heaven when they die. [More details...] |
Armageddon What is the nature of the final war of Armageddon, as described in the mysterious pages of Revelation. How can all the countries of the world be involved in it? And most important, what does it mean for us? An excellent way to share end-time truth with others. [More details...] |
Baptism: Is It Really Necessary? How should a person be baptized in order to meet the requirements of salvation? If you ask this question to people around you, you’ll likely get a dozen different answers, maybe even more. What does the Bible really teach about the method and meaning of baptism? [More details...] |
The Beast: Who Will Worship It? Revelation chapter 13 is frightening, but we need to face the coming reality of this prophecy. This amazing book reveals how Satan is preparing people of all nations to fall for his last-day delusions, and it shows us how we can avoid the mark of the beast. [More details...] |
The Bible Textionary This condensed guide to Scripture is intended to be an extension of our memory, making it easy to locate Bible texts on various topics in seconds. The book covers 48 categories and includes a fold-out timeline of Earth’s history from Creation to New Earth. [More details...] |
Blood Behind The Veil To understand the sanctuary is to understand salvation through Jesus. Explore His ministry for us in the heavenly sanctuary going on right now, and what it means for you and your future. A beautiful study that will give your faith strength and even greater meaning! [More details...] |
Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost? «Once saved, always saved.» This book exposes the pitfalls of this doctrine, and explains in a simple way that salvation is not predicated upon a single irrevocable choice of the past, but upon a continuous, personal relationship of the believer with Christ. [More details...] |
Christ’s Human Nature This amazing book presents biblical evidence that Jesus lived His life on earth with a nature like ours. Although tempted in all points like we are, He did not sin. Learn how our lives can also be a constant fortress of invincible spiritual power against the tempter. [More details...] |
Coming! One World Church This amazing book examines the five key teachings the pope says must be resolved before Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches can unite. Current events clearly indicate that a united world church is coming very soon, fulfilling Bible prophecies on the last days! [More details...] |
Dark Tunnels and Bright Lights Near-death experiences have become quite a hot topic lately. Just what does happen to people who seem to take incredible journeys toward heaven at the moment of near-death? This astonishing book gives clear answers and reveals the biblical approach to death. [More details...] |
Disappearing Truths Truth is vanishing today. But the importance of truth has never been greater. There are absolutes. Truth does exist. Right and wrong aren’t determined by what we happen to think. Only as we come to know God and His truth can we live in security and happiness. [More details...] |
Does God Love Sinners Forever? Would a God of love burn sinners in the fires of hell forever and ever? Many Christians believe the Bible says, «Yes.» Written in clear, easy-to-understand language, this book looks at the weight of evidence, placing text upon text, to see what the Bible really says. [More details...] |
Does God’s Grace Blot Out the Law? A very insidious doctrine has been developed in Christian theology which has tended to minimize the authority of God’s great moral law. However this helpful book shows that God’s law and His grace do not work in competition with each other, but in perfect cooperation. [More details...] |
Down From His Glory Jesus «humbled Himself, and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.» (Philippians 2:8).. Christ’s redeeming death on the cross stands at the heart of all other truths revealed in the Bible. Rediscover what this incredible act of love means for you. [More details...] |
Feast Days and Sabbaths Many Christians believe that the Ten Commandments were actually a part of the ceremonial law of Moses which ended at the cross. This book shows that the Ten Commandments are of a permanent nature while the ceremonial law of ordinances came to an end when Jesus died. [More details...] |
The Forgotten Commandment God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, yet most Christians today obey just nine of them. Why? The purpose of this book is to find out the answer from the Scriptures, and to reveal the significance of this forgotten commandment in the light of the last days. [More details...] |
God’s Little Advice Book The book of Proverbs is «God’s little advice book». Discover the five essential principles that sum up the insights of Proverbs, five secrets which can help you live a successful and productive life. You will learn how you can make the best use of these truths. [More details...] |
Heaven: Is It for Real? Perfect health, a beautiful home, an ideal climate, and eternal life - what else could anyone really wish for? There is a place now in preparation that will exceed all we can hope for. This awe-inspiring book presents some of the beauty, glory, and reality of heaven. [More details...] |
Hell-Fire One of the most theologically confused subjects in the Bible is that of hell. What and where is hell? What is the fate of the wicked? Will the fire of hell ever burn the wickedness out of sinners? These are serious questions which deserve sound Bible answers. [More details...] |
The High Cost of the Cross Few of us understand the real meaning of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross. Delve to the very heart of your faith with this classic, heart-changing journey into why Christ had to die the second death to free us from the penalty of our sins. [More details...] |
Hogs and Other Hazards Diet is one of the most popular subjects on the public mind today. And the Bible has very interesting things to say on this topic. But what about the four Bible texts that seem, at first glance, to advocate the eating of unclean meats? The answer may surprise you. [More details...] |
Holy Spirit: The Need What exactly is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and how do we know if we have it? And if we don’t have it, how can we get it? We cannot afford to be confused on this matter. This book will surely inspire you to seek this wonderful blessing from the Lord. [More details...] |
How Good is Good Enough for Heaven? Many Christians worry constantly over the debt they owe God for their salvation. They think about what He expects of them and then look at their lives and feel discouraged. This comforting book tells us that the Christian walk need not be one of uncertainty and fear. [More details...] |
Is Sunday Really Sacred? Multitudes have inherited opinions about the day to be observed weekly, and they find it very difficult to look objectively at any other viewpoint. But every belief must be measured by the Bible’s rule. This book examines every Bible text which refers to Sunday. [More details...] |
Jerusalem Showdown This book explores the issues that keep the Middle East in turmoil, all the while uncovering the spiritual issues in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Will the temple be rebuilt? What does the Bible say about the «tribulation»? And what about the rapture? [More details...] |
Letters from a Lonely Isle Revelation’s seven letters to the churches are seven divine messages for the church today. Each letter is like a prescription written out by the Great Physician. They are messages that meet basic, human challenges. Discover these messages that go to the heart. [More details...] |
The Millennium Massive confusion exists within the Christian churches about the «millennium», a unique thousand-year period depicted in the book of Revelation. Is it symbolic? Is it still future? Why is it important for the Christian to understand this issue? Find out the truth. [More details...] |
More Than Amazing Grace What really is grace? The definition that changes the world is this one: Unmerited divine assistance given to humanity. This powerful book explains each phrase of «Amazing Grace» in the light of God’s Holy Word. It shows how God’s grace can work in your life. [More details...] |
Pending - Your Case in Court There are few scenes in the entire Bible more dramatic than the end-time courtroom description in the books of Daniel and Revelation. This comforting book will teach you the glorious truths about God’s judgment and our mighty defense Attorney, Jesus Christ. [More details...] |
Perils Of Talking To The Dead Belief in the afterlife is surging, and one big reason is because spirits of dead people are apparently communicating from the other side. Based on current events, this book exposes the true nature of these pretenders, their methods of working, and apocalyptic goals. [More details...] |
Point of No Return What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? And what is «the unpardonable sin», the sin that «shall not be forgiven»? Many worry that they have committed it. What if I already have? Will God forgive me? The Bible’s answers to these questions may surprise you. [More details...] |
Promise of Peace You may be a lifelong Christian or this may be your first opportunity to learn about the peace and love Jesus offers you. In either case, you are personally invited on this incredible journey through the Word of God to answer many frequently asked questions. [More details...] |
Questioning the Supernatural Angels seem to be everywhere these days. Guiding us. Comforting us. Giving us secret message. This surprising book penetrates into the world of angels and spirits with light from the Word of God. It lays bare deceptions that Satan is harnessing to deceive millions! [More details...] |
Rendezvous in Space Millions are convinced of Christ’s soon return, yet they are also dangerously confused and are being prepared for the greatest deception ever perpetrated on humanity. Don’t be one of them! With clear reasoning and Bible accuracy, you’ll learn the stunning truth. [More details...] |
The Rich Man and Lazarus This book biblically explains the often-misunderstood parable found in Luke chapter 16. Does it prove that people go to heaven or hell when they die? What is it really trying to teach us? Find out why knowing the answer is so important for every Christian! [More details...] |
Satan in Chains Get an exciting, detailed look at what will take place on the earth during the soon coming millennium. Your questions about this controversial doctrine will be answered and the web of confusion surrounding this important end-time will be cleared up too. [More details...] |
The Scarlet Woman This astonishing book gives a detailed look at what the mysterious harlot of Revelation chapter 17 represents. It is no exaggeration to observe that our eternal salvation could well depend upon a proper identification of this corrupt church system. [More details...] |
The Secret Rapture A large number of Christians have been exposed to the «secret rapture» doctrine. Is it biblical? This book revealed what the Bible really teaches, so that we will not be deceived concerning this most important and wonderful hope, the second coming of Jesus. [More details...] |
The Sign of Jonah The scribes and Pharisees wanted a sign from Jesus that He was the Christ, so Jesus likened His ministry to the story of Jonah. This life-enriching book highlights the importance and gives clarity to both the story of Jonah and to the ministry of Christ. [More details...] |
Simply Salvation «How can I be sure I have eternal life?» «How can I know that my sins are forgiven?» «What are the practical steps necessary to be saved?» This precious book explains how God reaches out and saves men and women. An excellent resource to share! [More details...] |
Spirits of the Dead The rise of spirituality has increased dramatically, yet is more subtle and dangerous than ever. This enlightening book offers convincing, biblical proof that the soul is not immortal by nature. A perfect antidote against Satan’s most seductive deception. [More details...] |
Spiritual Israel What is Israel’s destiny? Is there something more to her than national sovereignty? Two Jews boldly tackle one of the most controversial issues in Christian prophecy, leading you to a final, amazing conclusion backed by solid biblical evidence. [More details...] |
Square Circles and Carnal Christians Carnal Christians. These words just don’t seem to go together. And yet, many sincere people believe this describes the normal Christian experience. This book explores this controversy through Paul’s Epistle to the Romans and the theme of victory over sin. [More details...] |
Teach Us to Pray Prayer is one of our most valuable spiritual assets, but few know what it really means to pray. In this in-depth look at «the breath of the soul», you’ll learn new and powerful insights about communicating with God through the model He gave us: the Lord’s Prayer. [More details...] |
Three Unclean Spirits Unmasked The battle of Armageddon is the climax of the long conflict between Christ and Satan. The great adversary will make an ultimate attack against God’s people to destroy them. This amazing book identifies the three forces that will set the stage for this final battle. [More details...] |
The Trinity The doctrine of the triune Godhead is under attack from all corners of Christianity. In this book you will see the nature of the Godhead and each Being in a new, fascinating light, and you will find peace with a fundamental truth important to all believers. [More details...] |
Truths That Change Us Inside There are some truths in life that matter. They count. Scripture is full of these truths. They are eternal. They are living, renewing, vitalizing principles which radically make us over inside. Discover these truths, and your life will be enriched and renewed. [More details...] |
The Two Witnesses Seven individuals appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration. Three from heaven: Moses, Elijah and God the Father. Three from earth: Peter, James, and John. And then there was Jesus, the bridge between heaven and earth. Discover brand-new insights about this story. [More details...] |
The Ultimate Resource In a time of so many distractions, Bible study is fast becoming obsolete. Yet God promises huge blessing for those who daily receive His bread of truth. This book shows you the power of God’s Word to change your life and the need to return to the source of our faith. [More details...] |
Understanding Tongues What should we expect from an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Is it always associated with a manifestation of the gift of tongues? How can we recognize a genuine gift of tongues? This amazing book gives the facts about the controversial subject of tongues. [More details...] |
Unfinished Business With the Dead How can we face death with confidence? What really lies beyond the grave? What will it be like five minutes after death? Is it possible to survive the death of a loved one and still come out emotionally healthy? This book presents hopeful, encouraging answers. [More details...] |
What You Can Know For Sure! There is so much in the world that is uncertain. What can you really count on? What can you know for sure? Read this book, and let your heart be filled with security. Discover eternal truths that have brought hope and courage to men and women down through the ages. [More details...] |
Who is Michael the Archangel? Questions frequently arise in Christian circles about the true identity of the mysterious biblical character known as Michael, sometimes called «Michael the archangel» and «Michael the Great Prince». Who is this being? The answer will surprise and delight you. [More details...] |
Who Will Sing the Song? Who are the 144000 mentioned in the book of Revelation, chapters 7 and 14? Understand the symbolism and literalism behind this often misunderstood group. Learn more about the 12 tribes, the 12 apostles, the 24 elders, the true Israelites, and much more. [More details...] |
Why The Old Covenant Failed Many thousands of Christians today sincerely believe that the Ten Commandments constituted the Old Covenant, which disappeared at the cross and, therefore, has no present application to grace-saved Christians. What does the Bible teach on this vital subject? [More details...] |
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