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Our «Thank You» gift, the book Steps to Christ Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this book. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better. You’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus. |
And now, you can choose one of the following titles from the category «Salvation»:
Above Suffering and Guilt One of the most difficult things about this life to accept, and even more difficult to understand, is pain and suffering. If God is good, then how can we explain the presence of evil, death, and pain? Also, learn the four necessary steps in dealing with sin and guilt. [More details...] |
The Armor of God A terrible war is raging between good and evil, and your eternal destiny is at stake. But God assures victory for those who choose Him as their commander. Find new peace in this beautiful journey through one of the Bible’s most inspiring and beloved passages. [More details...] |
Assurance: Justification Made Simple So many Christians are worried about their salvation. However, that confusion and fear is completely unnecessary. No matter where you have been or how much doubt about God’s love fills your heart, you’ll discover all-new joy in this book packed with hope. [More details...] |
Baptism: Is It Really Necessary? How should a person be baptized in order to meet the requirements of salvation? If you ask this question to people around you, you’ll likely get a dozen different answers, maybe even more. What does the Bible really teach about the method and meaning of baptism? [More details...] |
The Bible Textionary This condensed guide to Scripture is intended to be an extension of our memory, making it easy to locate Bible texts on various topics in seconds. The book covers 48 categories and includes a fold-out timeline of Earth’s history from Creation to New Earth. [More details...] |
Blood Behind The Veil To understand the sanctuary is to understand salvation through Jesus. Explore His ministry for us in the heavenly sanctuary going on right now, and what it means for you and your future. A beautiful study that will give your faith strength and even greater meaning! [More details...] |
Breaking Through Barriers to God Have you ever felt there were some significant barriers between you and God? Barriers like unresolved guilt, destructive lifestyle practices, or increasing doubts? This book presents sensible answers to some of the most common barriers Christians face. [More details...] |
Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost? «Once saved, always saved.» This book exposes the pitfalls of this doctrine, and explains in a simple way that salvation is not predicated upon a single irrevocable choice of the past, but upon a continuous, personal relationship of the believer with Christ. [More details...] |
Christ’s Human Nature This amazing book presents biblical evidence that Jesus lived His life on earth with a nature like ours. Although tempted in all points like we are, He did not sin. Learn how our lives can also be a constant fortress of invincible spiritual power against the tempter. [More details...] |
Disappearing Truths Truth is vanishing today. But the importance of truth has never been greater. There are absolutes. Truth does exist. Right and wrong aren’t determined by what we happen to think. Only as we come to know God and His truth can we live in security and happiness. [More details...] |
Do You Really Believe? «Lord, I believe; help You my unbelief.» (Mark 9:24). If you’re seeking a closer walk with the Lord and a deeper trust in Him, but lack confidence in His ability to work through you, this book is for you. It shows how God can lead you to a more trusting relationship. [More details...] |
Does God Love Sinners Forever? Would a God of love burn sinners in the fires of hell forever and ever? Many Christians believe the Bible says, «Yes.» Written in clear, easy-to-understand language, this book looks at the weight of evidence, placing text upon text, to see what the Bible really says. [More details...] |
Down From His Glory Jesus «humbled Himself, and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.» (Philippians 2:8).. Christ’s redeeming death on the cross stands at the heart of all other truths revealed in the Bible. Rediscover what this incredible act of love means for you. [More details...] |
Faith Against the Odds Ancient Rome was the most powerful empire on earth. And yet, the gospel of Christ turned that pagan society upside down. The power of the gospel is still available to transform your life today. This book will help you find out the fantastic plans God has for you. [More details...] |
The Final Verdict Have you ever wondered how a loving God can permit sin and suffering? We cannot solve this dilemma by the evidence of our senses. This book scan the storyline so that we can find exactly how our existence in an evil world makes sense in God’s universe. [More details...] |
Heaven: Is It for Real? Perfect health, a beautiful home, an ideal climate, and eternal life - what else could anyone really wish for? There is a place now in preparation that will exceed all we can hope for. This awe-inspiring book presents some of the beauty, glory, and reality of heaven. [More details...] |
The High Cost of the Cross Few of us understand the real meaning of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross. Delve to the very heart of your faith with this classic, heart-changing journey into why Christ had to die the second death to free us from the penalty of our sins. [More details...] |
How Good is Good Enough for Heaven? Many Christians worry constantly over the debt they owe God for their salvation. They think about what He expects of them and then look at their lives and feel discouraged. This comforting book tells us that the Christian walk need not be one of uncertainty and fear. [More details...] |
Is It a Sin to Be Tempted? No growing Christian in the world can be unconcerned about the problem of temptation. Temptation may attack at different points on different issues, but it will always be with us in this world. This book shows how to be victorious when faced with temptation. [More details...] |
Is It Easier to Be Saved or to Be Lost? Satan wants you to be lost, but God wants you to be saved. This precious book shows how you can win every time by being on the side of the stronger. You will also learn how you can be unafraid to acknowledge your authority in Christ over Satan. [More details...] |
It’s About You One of the worst obstacles to sharing the gospel message is the person sharing it! This book will show you how to bring people closer to Christ while helping to identify errors and restoring people to God. Learn to love people to the gospel, just like Jesus did. [More details...] |
Jesus Face to Face Feeling lonely? Discover how you can find friendship in Jesus. He meets our deepest human needs, He answers our inmost longings. In Him we find direction, purpose, and meaning in our lives. Your life will be forever different because you will have journeyed to meet Him. [More details...] |
The Joy of Jesus Is it possible to be joyful all the time? Should we be? As your gaze meets Jesus’, you will make the amazing discovery that the joy of salvation, the joy of forgiveness, the joy of healing, and the contagious, life-changing joy of Jesus, is yours for the taking! [More details...] |
The Last Night on Earth This thought-provoking book compels readers to ask, «Would I be saved if tonight was my last night on earth?» Most of us will never recognize when that fatal moment approaches in our own lives. But suppose you did know that you had exactly one last night to live... [More details...] |
Letters from a Lonely Isle Revelation’s seven letters to the churches are seven divine messages for the church today. Each letter is like a prescription written out by the Great Physician. They are messages that meet basic, human challenges. Discover these messages that go to the heart. [More details...] |
Life in the Spirit The church is standing on the threshold of its most unique mission. The «latter rain» is to provide an explosive entry into the final harvesting phase of the gospel. The description of your assigned role under the Holy Spirit will leave you almost breathless! [More details...] |
Looking for God in All the Wrong Places Spiritual interest in the Western world is explosing, but few people find the God they are seeking. Discover a personal encounter with the real God, a God who is much more than some energy force. He is our personal all-powerful, all-loving Creator and Savior. [More details...] |
More Than Amazing Grace What really is grace? The definition that changes the world is this one: Unmerited divine assistance given to humanity. This powerful book explains each phrase of «Amazing Grace» in the light of God’s Holy Word. It shows how God’s grace can work in your life. [More details...] |
My Will Get a fresh, invigorating perspective on growing in Christ with this book for any Christian struggling to overcome sin and fear, and do what is right. A stirring lesson on how to bring your will, thoughts and desires, under the care of Jesus’ pure and perfect plan. [More details...] |
Pending - Your Case in Court There are few scenes in the entire Bible more dramatic than the end-time courtroom description in the books of Daniel and Revelation. This comforting book will teach you the glorious truths about God’s judgment and our mighty defense Attorney, Jesus Christ. [More details...] |
Point of No Return What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? And what is «the unpardonable sin», the sin that «shall not be forgiven»? Many worry that they have committed it. What if I already have? Will God forgive me? The Bible’s answers to these questions may surprise you. [More details...] |
Prescription for Spiritual Health This book provides 20 prescriptions for chronic «illnesses», helpful in resisting temptation and keeping our minds focused on our heavenly Father. A book for every Christian who has traveled the spiritual pathway long enough to realize that the enemy never rests. [More details...] |
Promise of Peace You may be a lifelong Christian or this may be your first opportunity to learn about the peace and love Jesus offers you. In either case, you are personally invited on this incredible journey through the Word of God to answer many frequently asked questions. [More details...] |
Reach Out for Life The new millennium has brought quantum change to our world. We seem to be hurtling toward apocalypse. But in the midst of all the turmoil, there is a Source of peace. Discover the thrill of life at its best as you get to know more of God’s wonderful plan for you. [More details...] |
Riches of Grace If you suffer from past wrongs and wonder how God could possibly use you to reach others - look no further. You will find hope and joy in this study of the life-changing power that can make disciples out of even the worst sinners. An excellent resource to share! [More details...] |
The Sign of Jonah The scribes and Pharisees wanted a sign from Jesus that He was the Christ, so Jesus likened His ministry to the story of Jonah. This life-enriching book highlights the importance and gives clarity to both the story of Jonah and to the ministry of Christ. [More details...] |
Simply Salvation «How can I be sure I have eternal life?» «How can I know that my sins are forgiven?» «What are the practical steps necessary to be saved?» This precious book explains how God reaches out and saves men and women. An excellent resource to share! [More details...] |
Still Standing True We are living at a time when moral compromise is the order of the day. It’s a time when standing true to principle is labeled as narrow-mindedness, when the acceptance of sin is called tolerance. This book will inspire you to make firm, definite decisions for Christ. [More details...] |
The Surrender of Self Self is the greatest enemy we face. Once we have settled it with that old man of the flesh who seeks to rule over us, all the other victories will come in their course. This book shows that God has given us all a powerful weapon in combating the self nature. [More details...] |
Three Steps to Heaven Countless numbers of people really want to be Christians, but no one has made it clear enough to win their decision. This compelling book reveals three simple steps all sinners can take in order to receive God’s gift of salvation. An excellent resource to share! [More details...] |
Truths That Change Us Inside There are some truths in life that matter. They count. Scripture is full of these truths. They are eternal. They are living, renewing, vitalizing principles which radically make us over inside. Discover these truths, and your life will be enriched and renewed. [More details...] |
12 Steps to Revival In the age of a lukewarm church and wayward children of God, we need to bring real passion back into our relationship with the Lord. Find out in 12 practical and inspiring steps how the best Bible role-models prepared God’s people for long-lasting revival. [More details...] |
The Two Witnesses Seven individuals appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration. Three from heaven: Moses, Elijah and God the Father. Three from earth: Peter, James, and John. And then there was Jesus, the bridge between heaven and earth. Discover brand-new insights about this story. [More details...] |
The Ultimate Resource In a time of so many distractions, Bible study is fast becoming obsolete. Yet God promises huge blessing for those who daily receive His bread of truth. This book shows you the power of God’s Word to change your life and the need to return to the source of our faith. [More details...] |
Unshakable Faith Do you want to know how to truly be steadfast no matter what circumstances you face, even in the worst of times? This book presents stories of people that exemplified unshakable faith with courage of the soul, leading you to a deeper commitment to God. [More details...] |
The Voice of God Discerning the voice of God is a powerful tool in the Christian life. Learn the secrets of understand His will in your life every step of the way. Grasp the fundamentals of a true Christian walk, breaking down every barrier that separates you from Jesus. [More details...] |
What You Can Know For Sure! There is so much in the world that is uncertain. What can you really count on? What can you know for sure? Read this book, and let your heart be filled with security. Discover eternal truths that have brought hope and courage to men and women down through the ages. [More details...] |
When the Devil Makes an Offer How can we deal with the devil’s temptations? Find out what his strategies are. Satan has clever plans, but Jesus has better ones. Satan is mighty, but Jesus is almighty. Read this book and be prepared when the devil launches a sneak attack to bring you down. [More details...] |
Who Will Sing the Song? Who are the 144000 mentioned in the book of Revelation, chapters 7 and 14? Understand the symbolism and literalism behind this often misunderstood group. Learn more about the 12 tribes, the 12 apostles, the 24 elders, the true Israelites, and much more. [More details...] |
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