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Our Books on the Holy Spirit

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In anticipation of your generous support, we would like to thank you for your kindness. As a way of expressing our gratitude, for any gift of US$25 (or CAN$25, or €25) or more, we will send you the book Steps to Christ and one book of your choice among the titles listed below. Or take a look at our complete library: almost 150 books are available!

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Steps to Christ Our «Thank You» gift, the book Steps to Christ

Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this book. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better. You’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus.

And now, you can choose one of the following titles from the category «Holy Spirit»:

The Armor of God The Armor of God

A terrible war is raging between good and evil, and your eternal destiny is at stake. But God assures victory for those who choose Him as their commander. Find new peace in this beautiful journey through one of the Bible’s most inspiring and beloved passages. [More details...]
The Bible Textionary The Bible Textionary

This condensed guide to Scripture is intended to be an extension of our memory, making it easy to locate Bible texts on various topics in seconds. The book covers 48 categories and includes a fold-out timeline of Earth’s history from Creation to New Earth. [More details...]
Hidden Eyes and Closed Ears Hidden Eyes and Closed Ears

Millions of people spend their time, their effort, and their money in promoting a religion that involves apparent miracles, apparent spiritual gifts, and much enthusiastic activity. This important book for the end-times exposes this vast spiritual delusion. [More details...]
Holy Spirit: The Need Holy Spirit: The Need

What exactly is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and how do we know if we have it? And if we don’t have it, how can we get it? We cannot afford to be confused on this matter. This book will surely inspire you to seek this wonderful blessing from the Lord. [More details...]
Life in the Spirit Life in the Spirit

The church is standing on the threshold of its most unique mission. The «latter rain» is to provide an explosive entry into the final harvesting phase of the gospel. The description of your assigned role under the Holy Spirit will leave you almost breathless! [More details...]
Man’s Flicker or God’s Flame Man’s Flicker or God’s Flame

One of the clearest, last-day signs revealed in the Bible is the build-up of demonic forces for a final all-out struggle which will settle the destiny of every living soul. This dazing book exposes Satan’s scheme for deceiving everyone... including Christians! [More details...]
Point of No Return Point of No Return

What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? And what is «the unpardonable sin», the sin that «shall not be forgiven»? Many worry that they have committed it. What if I already have? Will God forgive me? The Bible’s answers to these questions may surprise you. [More details...]
Promise of Peace Promise of Peace

You may be a lifelong Christian or this may be your first opportunity to learn about the peace and love Jesus offers you. In either case, you are personally invited on this incredible journey through the Word of God to answer many frequently asked questions. [More details...]
Riches of Grace Riches of Grace

If you suffer from past wrongs and wonder how God could possibly use you to reach others - look no further. You will find hope and joy in this study of the life-changing power that can make disciples out of even the worst sinners. An excellent resource to share! [More details...]
Square Circles and Carnal Christians Square Circles and Carnal Christians

Carnal Christians. These words just don’t seem to go together. And yet, many sincere people believe this describes the normal Christian experience. This book explores this controversy through Paul’s Epistle to the Romans and the theme of victory over sin. [More details...]
The Surrender of Self The Surrender of Self

Self is the greatest enemy we face. Once we have settled it with that old man of the flesh who seeks to rule over us, all the other victories will come in their course. This book shows that God has given us all a powerful weapon in combating the self nature. [More details...]
Three Unclean Spirits Unmasked Three Unclean Spirits Unmasked

The battle of Armageddon is the climax of the long conflict between Christ and Satan. The great adversary will make an ultimate attack against God’s people to destroy them. This amazing book identifies the three forces that will set the stage for this final battle. [More details...]
The Trinity The Trinity

The doctrine of the triune Godhead is under attack from all corners of Christianity. In this book you will see the nature of the Godhead and each Being in a new, fascinating light, and you will find peace with a fundamental truth important to all believers. [More details...]
12 Steps to Revival 12 Steps to Revival

In the age of a lukewarm church and wayward children of God, we need to bring real passion back into our relationship with the Lord. Find out in 12 practical and inspiring steps how the best Bible role-models prepared God’s people for long-lasting revival. [More details...]
The Ultimate Resource The Ultimate Resource

In a time of so many distractions, Bible study is fast becoming obsolete. Yet God promises huge blessing for those who daily receive His bread of truth. This book shows you the power of God’s Word to change your life and the need to return to the source of our faith. [More details...]
Understanding Tongues Understanding Tongues

What should we expect from an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Is it always associated with a manifestation of the gift of tongues? How can we recognize a genuine gift of tongues? This amazing book gives the facts about the controversial subject of tongues. [More details...]
The Voice of God The Voice of God

Discerning the voice of God is a powerful tool in the Christian life. Learn the secrets of understand His will in your life every step of the way. Grasp the fundamentals of a true Christian walk, breaking down every barrier that separates you from Jesus. [More details...]
What You Can Know For Sure! What You Can Know For Sure!

There is so much in the world that is uncertain. What can you really count on? What can you know for sure? Read this book, and let your heart be filled with security. Discover eternal truths that have brought hope and courage to men and women down through the ages. [More details...]
When Your Faith is Shaken When Your Faith is Shaken

When a marriage goes bad, when our children wander from the faith, when financial earthquakes strike, when our church lets us down... These disappointments sometimes shake the foundations of our faith. But this heartening book shows that God is there for us right now. [More details...]
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May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.