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Technical Support

We are here to solve your problem

Our Technical Support team is available to assist you with questions about our products: access, content, general troubleshooting and other technical issues.

The most frequent questions we receive are about the installation of our software. If this is your question, before sending a technical support request, please consult the detailed instructions to install our free downloadable software on your computer.

You still have a problem with our software? Submit it to our Technical Support team by filling out the following form. We will answer you within a few days.

Technical Support Request

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(Please be sure to enter your Email address correctly.)

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Detailed instructions to install our software

Double-click the file you have downloaded:
  • WMT-NKJV.EXE (for the program The Moment of Truth - regular version).
  • WFUTNKJV.EXE (for the program If I Were Told the Future - regular version).
  • SP-GIFTS.EXE (for the program A Gift for Everyone - regular version).
  • WBIMAKJV.EXE (for the program Bible in Mind - demo version).
  • ARMORGOD.EXE (for the program Quest for God’s Armor - regular version).
Then, a window will appear saying:
  • «Unzip to folder \temp\wmt-nkjv» (for The Moment of Truth - regular version).
  • «Unzip to folder \temp\wfutnkjv» (for If I Were Told the Future - regular version).
  • «Unzip to folder \temp\sp-gifts» (for A Gift for Everyone - regular version).
  • «Unzip to folder \temp\wbimdemo» (for Bible in Mind - demo version).
  • «Unzip to folder \temp\armorgod» (for Quest for God’s Armor - regular version).
  Don’t change this folder, and click the button UNZIP.
  When all the files are unzipped, click the button CLOSE.
Then, go to the temporary folder where the files were unzipped (see Step #2), and double-click the file SETUP.EXE.
A screen will appear, asking:
  • «Please enter the drive or path containing The Moment of Truth source files.»
  • «Please enter the drive or path containing If I Were Told the Future source files.»
  • «Please enter the drive or path containing A Gift for Everyone source files.»
  • «Please enter the drive or path containing Bible in Mind source files.»
  • «Please enter the drive or path containing Quest for God’s Armor source files.»
The next screen asks:

«If you want to install [Name of the program] in a different directory and/or drive, type the name of the directory.»
  • For the program The Moment of Truth, type C:\TRUTH
  • For the program If I Were Told the Future, type C:\FUTURE
  • For the program A Gift for Everyone, type C:\SPI-GIFT
  • For the program Bible in Mind, type C:\BMIND
  • For the program Quest for God’s Armor, type C:\QUEST
IMPORTANT: Do NOT install the program in the temporary directory where SETUP.EXE and the other installation files are, because the files will be mixed up, and the installation won’t work correctly.

Then press CONTINUE.
The installation will proceed. When the installation is completed, you can start the program by double-clicking the icon. In Windows XP or earlier, you can also find the program placed in the START/PROGRAM menu, under the title Cyberspace Ministry.

Once the installation is completed and you have tested the software, you can delete the files that are placed in the temporary directory, because those are only installation files and are no longer needed.