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A Gift For Everyone

«Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which works all in all.» (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

God has given to every one of His children certain abilities in order to fulfill a particular function in His Church. These are called «spiritual gifts» (1 Corinthians 12:1) and are described as «the manifestation of the Spirit» (1 Corinthians 12:7).

«A Gift For Everyone» is a richly illustrated software that will help you discover your spiritual gifts, and learn how to use them. This way, you will better know the mission God is calling you to fulfill in His harvest.

In «A Gift For Everyone», you will find:

  • a complete spiritual gifts identification system;
  • a 5-part assessment, touching various aspects of Christian life;
  • a detailed graphical analysis of your results, showing your spiritual gifts;
  • an illustrated lesson, with descriptive tables and many full color pictures, explaining the role of spiritual gifts in the life of each believer;
  • a complete database giving a detailed description of all 26 spiritual gifts covered by this program.

If you wish, you can print the results of your analysis, the lesson on spiritual gifts, and the detailed description of the 26 spiritual gifts, to share your findings with your family, colleagues and friends.

The Bible version used in «A Gift For Everyone» is the New King James Version.

What people are saying about this software

«A Gift For Everyone is just great! I have been looking at different spiritual gifts assessment tools in order to make recommendations to my church family, and then I found your site. I like the way your questions are phrased. I also like the visual graphs, how you graph various gifts and then designate the spiritual gift cluster they belong to. Your lesson on spiritual gifts is informative and clarifying. You offer a wealth of information to help us understand each gift and how it might be manifested or used to God’s glory.»
Renee M. (Georgia, USA)

«Thanks for A Gift For Everyone. I found the spiritual gifts assessment very helpful and confirmed what I felt my gifts are. The questions were thought-provoking, but not too difficult. Also, the number of questions is adequate; not too many nor too few. This assessment is a blessing and I pray that you continue to bless others as you have blessed me. Thank you.»
Kimberly T. (Australia)

«Congratulations for A Gift For Everyone! I think this is one of the most accurate spiritual gifts assessments I have ever been involved in! It is very helpful, especially the sections about distinctives and cautions. Thank you so much! It will be very helpful to me in my ministry to others.»
Sharon H. (Florida, USA)

System requirements

To run «A Gift For Everyone», you need:

  • Any PC computer.
  • 4 Mb of memory (RAM).
  • 5.0 Mb of disk space.
  • A printer, if you want to get a hard copy of the information.
  • Microsoft Windows® 3.0 or later, or Windows® 95 or later.


You will download the file SP-GIFTS.EXE. It is a compressed self-extractible file. Double-click on this file, and the files will be unzipped in a temporary directory named: \Temp\Sp-gifts

Once the files are unzipped, double-click on the file SETUP.EXE (this file will be placed in the temporary directory \Temp\Sp-gifts). This will launch the installation of the program.

Important: Please install the program in a new directory, not in the temporary directory that was used to unzip the files.

When the installation is completed, double-click on the icon to start the program «A Gift For Everyone».

For detailed step-by-step installation instruction, please click here.

Other versions of this program

A French version of this software is available.

You can also take our Online Spiritual Gifts Assessment!

A short preview of «A Gift For Everyone» A short preview of «A Gift For Everyone»

Download «A Gift For Everyone» Download «A Gift For Everyone» (3,57 Mb)