«All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.» (2 Timothy 3:16).
«The Moment of Truth» is a complete software on CD-ROM, abundantly illustrated, helping you to study the Bible in a systematic way. Lesson after lesson, at your own pace, you will discover the wonderful treasures hidden in the Word of God.
This version contains more than 1200 high-resolution color photographs and pictures, enlivening your study of God’s Word and improving your understanding of our lessons.
«The Moment of Truth» will guide you using only the Bible. Verse after verse, you will get satisfying answers to questions you have certainly asked yourself, like:
- Where do we come from?
- What does the future hold for mankind?
- If God exists, why is everything going from bad to worse here below?
- What happens after death?
- How can we get eternal life?
- And many more questions...
If you wish, you can get a print out of any of the 41 lessons, to share them with colleagues and friends. Each lesson is a powerful tool to bring the student to Christ.
In «The Moment of Truth», illustrated version, you will find:
- 41 complete lessons about the Bible’s message;
- 2000 different Bible verses;
- 6200 Bible verses in total;
- 30 descriptive tables and charts;
- More than 1200 attractive pictures and photos.
The Bible version used in «The Moment of Truth» is the New King James Version.
What people are saying about this software
«I am enjoying The Moment of Truth lessons. They are very interesting and thorough. Each time I finish a lesson I am torn between lingering and meditating on what I just covered, or moving on to the next. Thanks for the nice lessons and your dedication to spreading the everlasting gospel.»
Darryl B. (Texas, USA)
«Thanks for your devotion. From one lesson to another, I realize that your Bible course The Moment of Truth is really what is needed to lead people to God. Thank you again.»
Claudy F. (Belgium)
«I can tell you that your program The Moment of Truth really helped me understand the teachings of the Bible. The subjects are well chosen, and are presented in a very logical way. My wife and I enjoy doing these lessons together, and we learn a lot of things. Thanks for your work and your generosity.»
Benoit B. (Canada)
«I have been trying out The Moment of Truth and I think it is a GREAT program, it is put together very well. I am enjoying it so much I have been telling everyone at work about it, it is a GREAT tool to use. Thank you and God bless your work!»
Terry M. (New York, USA)
System requirements
To run «The Moment of Truth», you need:
- Any PC computer.
- 1x CD-ROM drive or higher.
- 4 Mb of memory (RAM).
- A printer, if you want to get a hard copy of the lessons.
- Microsoft Windows® 3.0 or later, or Windows® 95 or later.
To order your copy
Please visit our section Online Orders, and fill out the order form. Please make sure to properly indicate your email and postal address. We will then contact you by email, to confirm your order.
Other versions of this program
A free demo of this illustrated version is available (includes the complete Lesson 1).
A free regular version of this software is available.
A French version of this software is available.
You can also study this Bible course online, free of charge!