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A Gift For Everyone

What is the Gift of Writing?

Literal meaning  Literal meaning 
To represent ideas by tracing specific signs.

Description  Description 
The gift of writing is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to formulate thoughts and ideas into interesting and meaningful written forms so that the reader will find courage, guidance, knowledge, or edification through the words shared with them.

Bible references  Bible references 
Theory Practice
Psalm 45:1,2 1 John 2:1,12-14
Acts 15:19,20 Philippians 3:1
1 Timothy 3:14,15 Jude verse 3

Distinctives  Distinctives 
People with this gift:
  • can easily formulate their thoughts and ideas into effective written forms;

  • have skill with words;

  • can compose articles for newspapers, newsletters, etc., in an efficient and meaningful way;

  • feel secure in the fact that the words they write is of benefit to those who read them;

  • have been told that others have been helped and encouraged by their writing.

Personal traits and behaviors  Personal traits and behaviors 
A person with this gift is usually:
Creative Articulate
Sensitive Confident
Organized Learned
Practical Challenging

Cautions  Cautions 
People with this gift:
  • may be tempted to keep it to themselves because others are not always open to read what they need to read;

  • can find evaluation and constructive criticism difficult to accept;

  • need their gift to be confirmed by other members of the body of Christ.

Mobilizing for ministry  Mobilizing for ministry 
People with this gift are needed in the church for:
Writing books and articles Newsletter editor
Public relations Writing drama scripts
Writing exhortation letters Church secretary

Related gifts  Related gifts 
This gift belongs to the category ART. You may find useful to get information on other gifts which belong to this same category. These gifts are:
Craftsmanship Creative communication Music