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Our Most Popular Books

This toplist is reset on the first of each month.
 Tips For Resisting Temptation 
Tips For Resisting Temptation
Get solid, biblical advice for overcoming the perils that threaten your relationship with the Father. This book shows you that by following Jesus’ example, your life can be filled with victory! Great for sharing with anyone struggling with sin and temptation.

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 5
Average 3.7
 Riches of Grace 
Riches of Grace
If you suffer from past wrongs and wonder how God could possibly use you to reach others - look no further. You will find hope and joy in this study of the life-changing power that can make disciples out of even the worst sinners. An excellent resource to share!

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 2.7
 Still Standing True 
Still Standing True
We are living at a time when moral compromise is the order of the day. It’s a time when standing true to principle is labeled as narrow-mindedness, when the acceptance of sin is called tolerance. This book will inspire you to make firm, definite decisions for Christ.

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 2.4
 It’s About You 
It’s About You
One of the worst obstacles to sharing the gospel message is the person sharing it! This book will show you how to bring people closer to Christ while helping to identify errors and restoring people to God. Learn to love people to the gospel, just like Jesus did.

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 3
Average 1.6
 Square Circles and Carnal Christians 
Square Circles and Carnal Christians
Carnal Christians. These words just don’t seem to go together. And yet, many sincere people believe this describes the normal Christian experience. This book explores this controversy through Paul’s Epistle to the Romans and the theme of victory over sin.

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 3
Average 3.2
 Alone in the Crowd 
Alone in the Crowd
Most deviations from God’s will today are based upon either following feeling or following the crowd. But how can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? This book provides answers. And you won’t forget the illustration of the shrimp...

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.5
 Compromise, Conformity, and Courage 
Compromise, Conformity, and Courage
Let’s face it, being in the world without being perceived as being of the world is not always easy. Where do you stand on taking a stand? Giving just a little, does it really hurt your walk and your witness? This book delivers thought-provoking information.

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.6
 Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning? 
Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?
Popular theology teaches millions that no one can really live without sinning. As a result, many Christians are living weak, defeated lives. This helpful book provides assurance that it is possible, through Christ, to achieve total victory over sin.

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 3.7
 Letters from a Lonely Isle 
Letters from a Lonely Isle
Revelation’s seven letters to the churches are seven divine messages for the church today. Each letter is like a prescription written out by the Great Physician. They are messages that meet basic, human challenges. Discover these messages that go to the heart.

Category: Christian Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 1.3

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