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One of the most theologically confused subjects in the Bible is that of hell. What and where is hell? What is the fate of the wicked? Will the fire of hell ever burn the wickedness out of sinners? These are serious questions which deserve sound Bible answers.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 5
Average 4.2
 Helping Kids Deal with Death 
Helping Kids Deal with Death
Children often have profound questions about death, and they need the right answers. This sensitive book gives suggestions on how to help children understand death. It explains how to prepare a child for parental death, and what to do when the child blames God.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 5
Average 2.5
 Pending - Your Case in Court 
Pending - Your Case in Court
There are few scenes in the entire Bible more dramatic than the end-time courtroom description in the books of Daniel and Revelation. This comforting book will teach you the glorious truths about God’s judgment and our mighty defense Attorney, Jesus Christ.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 2.8
 Absent from the Body 
Absent from the Body
What does the apostle Paul mean by being «absent from the body»? Does it mean that an immortal soul leaves the body to face an immediate reward or punishment? This book provides persuasive evidence that people do not go directly to heaven when they die.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 3
Average 3.7
 Does God Love Sinners Forever? 
Does God Love Sinners Forever?
Would a God of love burn sinners in the fires of hell forever and ever? Many Christians believe the Bible says, «Yes.» Written in clear, easy-to-understand language, this book looks at the weight of evidence, placing text upon text, to see what the Bible really says.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 3
Average 1.7
 The Final Verdict 
The Final Verdict
Have you ever wondered how a loving God can permit sin and suffering? We cannot solve this dilemma by the evidence of our senses. This book scan the storyline so that we can find exactly how our existence in an evil world makes sense in God’s universe.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.2
 The Rich Man and Lazarus 
The Rich Man and Lazarus
This book biblically explains the often-misunderstood parable found in Luke 16. Does it prove that people go to heaven or hell when they die? What is it really trying to teach us? Find out why knowing the answer is so important for every Christian!

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 2.9
 Dark Tunnels and Bright Lights 
Dark Tunnels and Bright Lights
Near-death experiences have become quite a hot topic lately. Just what does happen to people who seem to take incredible journeys toward heaven at the moment of near-death? This astonishing book gives clear answers and reveals the biblical approach to death.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 3.4
 The Last Night on Earth 
The Last Night on Earth
This thought-provoking book compels readers to ask, «Would I be saved if tonight was my last night on earth?» Most of us will never recognize when that fatal moment approaches in our own lives. But suppose you did know that you had exactly one last night to live...

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 3.6
 Unfinished Business With the Dead 
Unfinished Business With the Dead
How can we face death with confidence? What really lies beyond the grave? What will it be like five minutes after death? Is it possible to survive the death of a loved one and still come out emotionally healthy? This book presents hopeful, encouraging answers.

Category: Death and Judgment | Movement: Neutral
This month 0
Average 1.6

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