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Our Most Popular Books

This toplist is reset on the first of each month.
 The Armor of God 
The Armor of God
A terrible war is raging between good and evil, and your eternal destiny is at stake. But God assures victory for those who choose Him as their commander. Find new peace in this beautiful journey through one of the Bible’s most inspiring and beloved passages.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 9
Average 2.6
 Breaking Through Barriers to God 
Breaking Through Barriers to God
Have you ever felt there were some significant barriers between you and God? Barriers like unresolved guilt, destructive lifestyle practices, or increasing doubts? This book presents sensible answers to some of the most common barriers Christians face.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 5
Average 1.5
 Love Without An If 
Love Without An If
In an age when real love is often obscured by selfish interests, this book shows how you can solve even the most difficult conflicts with the same healing grace as Jesus. No matter the obstacles in your life today, you will learn how to love the way God wants you to.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 2.7
 My Will 
My Will
Get a fresh, invigorating perspective on growing in Christ with this book for any Christian struggling to overcome sin and fear, and do what is right. A stirring lesson on how to bring your will, thoughts and desires, under the care of Jesus’ pure and perfect plan.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 3.3
 12 Steps to Revival 
12 Steps to Revival
In the age of a lukewarm church and wayward children of God, we need to bring real passion back into our relationship with the Lord. Find out in 12 practical and inspiring steps how the best Bible role-models prepared God’s people for long-lasting revival.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 4.7
 Disappearing Truths 
Disappearing Truths
Truth is vanishing today. But the importance of truth has never been greater. There are absolutes. Truth does exist. Right and wrong aren’t determined by what we happen to think. Only as we come to know God and His truth can we live in security and happiness.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 3
Average 2.8
 Prescription for Spiritual Health 
Prescription for Spiritual Health
This book provides 20 prescriptions for chronic «illnesses», helpful in resisting temptation and keeping our minds focused on our heavenly Father. A book for every Christian who has traveled the spiritual pathway long enough to realize that the enemy never rests.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 3
Average 3.5
 Faith Roots 
Faith Roots
Many people have a difficult time facing the crises which life inevitably brings. Why? They have no «faith roots». Their Christian experience is shallow. Would you like to go deeper? Do you long for a vital experience with God? Then this book is for you.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 3.1
 Is It a Sin to Be Tempted? 
Is It a Sin to Be Tempted?
No growing Christian in the world can be unconcerned about the problem of temptation. Temptation may attack at different points on different issues, but it will always be with us in this world. This book shows how to be victorious when faced with temptation.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.1
 The Surrender of Self 
The Surrender of Self
Self is the greatest enemy we face. Once we have settled it with that old man of the flesh who seeks to rule over us, all the other victories will come in their course. This book shows that God has given us all a powerful weapon in combating the self nature.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 1.1
 The Voice of God 
The Voice of God
Discerning the voice of God is a powerful tool in the Christian life. Learn the secrets of understand His will in your life every step of the way. Grasp the fundamentals of a true Christian walk, breaking down every barrier that separates you from Jesus.

Category: Growth in God | Movement: Neutral
This month 0
Average 0.9

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