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Our Most Popular Books

This toplist is reset on the first of each month.
 America and the Ten Commandments 
America and the Ten Commandments
The controversy over the separation between church and state is raging in America like never before. From prayer in schools to God’s Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon to ignite a firestorm that will decide this nation’s destiny.

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 5.5
 Coming! One World Church 
Coming! One World Church
This amazing book examines the five key teachings the pope says must be resolved before Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches can unite. Current events clearly indicate that a united world church is coming very soon, fulfilling Bible prophecies on the last days!

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 4
Average 3.5
 The Abomination of Desolation 
The Abomination of Desolation
In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus announces the «abomination of desolation». He identifies it as a specific sign that the end is near. What is this prophecy all about? How does it affect Christians in today’s world? This book illuminates one of the most obscure Bible prophecies.

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 2.9
What is the nature of the final war of Armageddon, as described in the mysterious pages of Revelation. How can all the countries of the world be involved in it? And most important, what does it mean for us? An excellent way to share end-time truth with others.

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.6
 The Forgotten Commandment 
The Forgotten Commandment
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, yet most Christians today obey just nine of them. Why? The purpose of this book is to find out the answer from the Scriptures, and to reveal the significance of this forgotten commandment in the light of the last days.

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.7
 The Secret Rapture 
The Secret Rapture
A large number of Christians have been exposed to the «secret rapture» doctrine. Is it biblical? This book revealed what the Bible really teaches, so that we will not be deceived concerning this most important and wonderful hope, the second coming of Jesus.

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 4.3
 The Day That Changed the World 
The Day That Changed the World
George Sleigh, on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center, looked up just in time to see the Boeing 767 explode into the building right above him. What he didn’t know then was that his concrete ceiling was the floor of a giant tomb for more than 1,300 people.

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 2.7
 The Beast: Who Will Worship It? 
The Beast: Who Will Worship It?
Revelation chapter 13 is frightening, but we need to face the coming reality of this prophecy. This amazing book reveals how Satan is preparing people of all nations to fall for his last-day delusions, and it shows us how we can avoid the mark of the beast.

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 0
Average 1
 Jerusalem Showdown 
Jerusalem Showdown
This book explores the issues that keep the Middle East in turmoil, all the while uncovering the spiritual issues in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Will the temple be rebuilt? What does the Bible say about the «tribulation»? And what about the rapture?

Category: Last Days | Movement: Neutral
This month 0
Average 2.2

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