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Our Most Popular Books

This toplist is reset on the first of each month.
 Amazing Wonders of Creation 
Amazing Wonders of Creation
In spite of being marred by transgressors, nature still bears an eloquent testimony to the love and power of a Divine Creator. Lucky accident or design? This book will show you how the great mysteries of land and sea support the biblical account of Creation.

Category: Nature and Creation | Movement: Neutral
This month 6
Average 2.2
 How Evolution Flunked the Science Test 
How Evolution Flunked the Science Test
Millions of Christians are intimidated by the high-sounding technical language of educated evolutionists. But this remarkable book reveals that the base of the theory of evolution is riddled with unscientific inconsistencies that need to be addressed.

Category: Nature and Creation | Movement: Neutral
This month 3
Average 1.6
 More Seeing Is Believing 
More Seeing Is Believing
Using the evidence of the complexity of living cells, cosmological proof of a beginning to the Universe, and the «army» of white blood cells that make up the immune system that protects our bodies from invading diseases, this book offers compelling proof of a Creator.

Category: Nature and Creation | Movement: Neutral
This month 0
Average 2.6

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