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Our Most Popular Books

This toplist is reset on the first of each month.
 Tiny Troublemaker 
Tiny Troublemaker
The apostle James described the tongue as a world of evil. It has set off dissension and division in millions of homes around the world. This book gives valuable lessons on the dangers of gossip and offers pointers for keeping the tongue under divine control.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 5
Average 1.5
 The Gentle Art of Saying Thank You 
The Gentle Art of Saying Thank You
This book shows a variety of ways to express our thanks, and illustrates how a note, phone call, or gift can give someone a tremendous lift and be a real blessing to both the giver and receiver. Let this book bring you the joy of brightening someone’s day.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.8
 How to Communicate with Your Mate 
How to Communicate with Your Mate
One of the most serious problems in marriage, and a prime cause of divorce, lies in the inability or reluctance of couples to communicate. This resourceful book explains how a couple can achieve more fulfillment in marriage through better communication.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 2.8
 The Safest Place on Earth 
The Safest Place on Earth
Stress, fear, insecurity, low self-esteem... Is there any place where we can feel safe from the emotional stressors of the twenty-first century? This book shares practical principles of living life to the absolute fullest in the midst of today’s pressures.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 1.3
 The Stress Transformers 
The Stress Transformers
We all need the ability to transform our inner attitudes so that we relate differently to life’s stresses. This resourceful book focuses on practical steps for developing inner attitudes such as praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, trust, patience, and confidence in God.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 2
Average 0.8
 Handling Hostile People 
Handling Hostile People
Hostile people... Maybe you live with one. Maybe you work with one or have to sit on a church board with one. We all meet them sometime or other. This helpful book shows how to deal with those unhappy people who bully their way through life with their hostility.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 1
 A Pause for Peace 
A Pause for Peace
A recession grips this world - one that has nothing to do with money. This is a recession of time. This comforting book identifies the Sabbath as God’s recovery plan for this devastating recession, and God’s answer to our overstressed and unfulfilled lives.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 1
Average 2.5
 Live With Stress 
Live With Stress
No matter who you are or what you do, life’s tensions and pressures can push you to your limits. We all need to learn how to cope with stress. This resourceful book can help you make it more possible to survive in this highly complex and demanding world.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 0
Average 1.6
 The Sandwich Cookbook 
The Sandwich Cookbook
Packing lunches, and eating them, gets boring fast. Nowadays there are so many wholesome choices! This book will help you break out of the peanut-butter-sandwich routine. It offers more nutritious alternatives, with recipes that are very simple to make.

Category: Practical Life | Movement: Neutral
This month 0
Average 1.3

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